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"Don't stutter I won't hurt you" Troye tickled my sides. But I screamed as a sharp pain went through my sides and he quickly took his hands away and went to say something but before he could get a word in I ran up to my room with the hot salty tears streaming down my beaten face.

-Troyes pov-
I tickled little Lucy sides but she suddenly screamed liked she was being hurt so I quickly took my hands away and everyone looked at me with some look a look saying 'what the hell did you do' and I'm not gonna lie I really don't know. But hell I'm disappointed in myself I said I wouldn't hurt her and I've instantly have.

-Lucy's pov-
I laid in a tight ball in the corner of the tiny empty room when there was a creak open at the door 'it's only mrs Kate' I repeated in my head "I-I'm sorry" I turned to see Troye with all th e boys behind them all with red and puffy eyes "it wasn't you" I whispered to Troye. His eyes gleamed with happiness but soon disappoint took over "w-what happpened" Troye asked with everyone going wide eyes

-Connors pov-
"W-what happened" did Troye really ask that?!

-Lucy's pov-
"Well ywesterdway mwrss Kate cut me because I done the laundreye wrong"I said as we made our way I looked up to see tears streaming down their faces i stopped and they turned to me I lifted up my grey dirty rag (the shirt) to see more tears streaming down their face and all pulling me in a hug "OMG ITS O2L AND TROYE SIVAN" some one screamed and I got dragged away and Looked up to see...

Daisy-Mae the girl with perfect blonde wavy hair that goes down to her waiste the perfect makeup but the bad attitude "they are going to choose me not you they want a beautiful kind girl" she flattered herself I giggled and replied "that's why they're choosing me not you" I heard multiple ohs coming from so many people. She looked at me wide eyes and went to back hand slap me I screwed my eyes shut waiting for the burn "STOP" I heard the beautiful voice of the one and only kian lawley and his strong arms pulling me into a hug.

-Connors pov-
Me and troye ran downstairs hand in hand shooting through the door were mrs Kate sat with the paper infront of her and we slowly walked over to the middle aged woman and began to sign.

-Lucy's pov-
When the guys got me away from daisy-Mae we went to pack my bags because apparently Connor and Troye signed some papers so they're my legal guardians. When we got to my room I realised I had NOTHING to pack which I think the guys weren't impressed by this but kian picked me up and we walked out the orphanage and set of to the house. Half way through the driver was silent so I decided to break the silence "who mwy dwaddy?" Connor and Troye slowly put there hands up but I gave them a confusing look and I guess Connor seen because he next said "I'm your dad and Troyes your daddy" I nodded kinda understanding. We soon arrived at a house that is absolutely massive! I began to get excited and I guess Trevor noticed because he began giggling and giggled even more when he seen me turning red. As I walked in a small...

Yes I promised a long chapter you got it happy?! Lel luv y'all I'll update soon xxxx say how many chapters you want

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