~Lunch Time~

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Naruto's POV

After a few classes, it was lunchtime. I had math with Kiba and Ino. I had chemistry with Ino. I had baking with Choji he was also shocked but glad to see me. And I was now in science with Shikamaru. We were still in class because the teacher didn't give use permission to leave the class yet. When we were allowed to leave, I looked around to find Shikamaru half asleep. I walked over to him and shook him till he was fully awake. "Jeez Naruto... You didn't have to shake me that hard" Shikamaru said sleepy. "Sorry, I don't know my way to the cafeteria, and you're the only person I know in class..." I laughed awkwardly. I still didn't know my way around the school since it was my first day there, so you really can't blame me for waking him up, right? Shikamaru stood up from his seat and walked out of the class while he was saying, "Are you coming or not? " I ran behind him till I caught up with him.

At the cafeteria

The instant we walked in the cafeteria, people started looking at us. They were looking at us.... Wait.... They weren't looking at us...

They were looking at me! I thought to myself and started panicking. I asked Shikamaru if we could walk faster. He asked me with a concerned look "Naruto, are you okay?" I looked at him and whispered, 'Shika... They're staring at me...' Shikamaru looked at me and said "It doesn't matter what they think, you have friends right so... You're not alone"

I looked at him and smiled and thought to myself: Even tho he's lazy, he's still caring... He's an amazing friend, so were Kiba and Choji. We got food and went to the table where Kiba, Choji and Ino were sitting. We sat down with them and started eating, until Ino started asking me questions like: "How do you know Kiba Choji and Shikamaru?!" "How old are you?" "What's your favourite colour?" and a lot more questions. I tried to answer as many questions as I could. While we were talking, a girl with pink hair came to our table. 

She sat own and said "Hey guys!" "Hi Sakura" Ino said with a smile. The girl named Sakura looked at me and said "Oh you're the new student. Hi, my name is Sakura Haruno" I looked at her and stuttered "Um- h-hi Sakura. My name's N-naruto Uzumaki" I looked away from the pink haired girl. Shikamaru just said "Don't worry Naruto, you'll get used to her and Ino eventually." I just nodded and took out a book out of my school bag and started to read. Kiba looked at me and said "You're really going to read a book now Naruto?" Shikamaru looked at Kiba and said "Leave him alone Kiba, is there something wrong with him reading?" Ino looked at me and asked, "Do you like romantic books?" "No I don't... I like fiction or something you can learn from" 

Sakura asked, "Why don't you like romantic books? I love them" I looked at Sakura with a confused look "How can you like romantic books? Their boring... Plus, I'm not into romance." Ino asked and asked shocked "You don't like romance?" Shikamaru looked at Ino "Not everyone likes romance Ino" Ino just kept looking at me and I went back to reading my book. Sakura asked "Hey did you guys hear? Sasuke Uchiha moved here!" I looked up from my book and asked "Who's that?" Everyone looked at me with a shocked face. Shikamaru said "Even tho I'm not a big fan of him, I still know who he is" Ino and Sakura said "He's like a super hot and famous singer! And one of the best ones to!" I just looked at them with a blank stare. "Still don't know who that is" 

Sakura took out her phone and showed me a picture of a tall looking raven head with duck but hair. I kinda reminded me of my best friend that left a few years ago, and the same one I was still waiting for... "What's his name again?" I asked because I didn't pay attention when they told me his name. "His name's Sasuke Uchicha" Sakura said. I thought of sasuke, my childhood best friend before I met Shikamaru, Kiba and Choji. 

I thought : It can't be him, right??... Not only that, but I don't remember his last name, so... I couldn't confirm. Choji asked "Naruto are okay?" "I'm fine" I said, and I went back to reading.

Sasuke's POV

I went downstairs and went to sit own on the sofa. I had a concert tomorrow night. Not only that, but I just moved back to my hometown. Itachi my older brother came in and sat down next to me. "Is something wrong, Sasuke?" I looked at him and sighed. "I'm just glad I'm back." 

I was happy that we were back. My reason was because I would be able to find Naruto. I have been trying to track him down since I moved. Now that I'm back, it would be easier. Naruto was my childhood best friend or let's say y crush... I had to move away when he was 7 back then I was 8. I hope he remembers me...

Suddenly somebody stormed in. It was Suigetsu. My assistant, but I guess you could say he was also my singer partner and I guess my friend. "Sasuke this place is awesome! It's a litterly a mansion!" I looked him and only made a sound "Hn..." Suigetsu looked at me and said "Do you ever say anything else other than 'Hn'?! That's litterly the only thing you say! I looked at him and said "That's not the only thing I say, Suigetsu." "Sure" he said with a sarcastic tone. I swear one day I will try to murder him... 

Naruto's POV 

It was almost time for our next class. We stood up and went to our lockers, which weren't to far from each other. Sakura started screaming when she looked at her phone and got a notification. "Sasuke has a concert tomorrow night!" Ino also started screaming, and I swear I thought I was going to be deaf. Sakura then said "We should go to the concert! All of us" I suddenly almost tripped because I was shocked by what she said. I quickly answered, a bit nervous, "I-I don't think my parents will allow me to go so... I won't come, plus I-i don't even have clothes." Sakura said she'd ask y parent's if I could come. It's not that I didn't want to hang out with new friends, it's just... I've never been to a concert, so I was nervous. Plus if they found out that both of my parents are boy's who knows what they'll think... 

I tried to change Sakura's mind, but It didn't help, so I gave in... I hope she wasn't going to be rude to my parent's because last time I brought a 'friend' over they were homophobic and started shouting insults at my parents. They even said they felled bad that 'Fags' were my parent's. That was when I snapped. I few minutes later, Kakashi was finally to pull me off the guy that called them fags. After a bit there were sirens to be heard and the guy got send to the hospital. He had a broken arm and a fractured rib. My parents weren't angry, but they said I had to control myself. I was very angry, but I calmed myself. After that, never brought anyone back to my house. 

Since I had history with Sakura we walked to class, I was quiet most of the time, so Sakura did most of the speaking. Before we were at the classroom and asked for my number. After a few we went inside, and boi  I was up for a surprise.

Hi Guys! I hope you enjoyed this part. And I hope you all are safe! And thank you for the support.

I love you guys!



Oh! And credit to my friend 12bink12. She made the cover for my book and helped me with some spelling errors (Since I don't have autocorrection on this device) :')

{And comment some Ideas I could use}

|I'll make sure to put credit!|

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