✯ Chapter 48

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"Well, Parisa, I have to go get changed! I can't be late for the last battle!" I yell over the wind.

"But it isn't the last battle, right? You have the tournament after this!"

I wipe my eyes clear of the flurrying snow. "Yeah, but not for almost a month!"

"Oh. Well... Anyways... Good luck! I'm sure you guys will win this one!" Parisa shouts in reply, while crossing her arms more tightly. She looks like she could just about blow away in the storm.

"Yeah, I hope so! This is a really important battle. We get our rating for the tournament!"


"I don't know how to explain it, Pari..." I yell, just wanting to get inside the locker room. "It's like, so people have an idea of how well the teams might do in the tournament. We're given a rating, 1-5, based on our performance and if we win our battle today!"

"Okay! I think I get it," she grins, before giving me a monster of a hug.

"Thanks for coming! It really means a lot!" I confess, smiling.

"No problem! Now, go get ready! I'll be rooting for you!"

"Great! See you after."


I turn and wave back to her as I clomp to the hole in the ground. She waves back, walking to the spectator entrance.

Deafening roars echo through the walls of the Air Team locker room. I'm not sure if it's the cheers of the crowd already, or the storm raging on outside. The weather's the worst I've seen it... ever. And that's saying something. The winds have been ripping branches from the trunks, and there's been some horrible car accidents in the city.

I shudder, not wanting to think about the storm. My attention turns to my locker, which opens with a satisfying 'click' when I press my thumb to the black pad. The battle suits have been washed and dried, ready for their next use. I undress and redress into the suit, not even having to think about it. I've done it too many times now.

I re-do my ponytail, much tighter than it was before. I check my reflection in the mirror on my locker door. My helmet sits expectantly on the top shelf of the locker, and in one swift move, it's tucked under my arm.

I'm one of the last people in the locker room. I quietly slip out, and walk down the dark hallway, when I realize I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be. Shoot.

Just to my luck, Ms. Benting walks down the hall.

"Ramaya! Hello," she says. "You're just in time. David's about to start his pep-talk."


"Oh, uh... Mr. Farefax, I mean." Even in the dim lighting, I can tell she's blushing.

"Okay. What arena?" I ask, remembering that Mr. Farefax and Ms. Benting are dating.

"Arena 8. Good luck! I'll be rooting for you all in the stands!"

"Great! Thanks."

"No problem. Off you go!"

I nod, smiling, and take off down the hall.

After making my way through a multitude of dimly-lit hallways and passageways, I find the door marked "Arena 8 Prep Room." I slowly open it, and my ears are met with a rush of excited chatter.

I walk in, closing the door gently behind me, and take a seat beside Gavin on a bench. He seems to be the only one not involved in a conversation at the moment.

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