✯ Chapter 10

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The bell rings, and I quickly and quietly set out for my fifth class. I hear rushed footsteps behind me, and just as I’m about to turn and see who it is, I hear Ms. Benting’s voice.


I actually turn around this time.


“Please take a few minutes and come with me.”

I nod and retrace my steps back to the flying classroom. It’s quiet inside, and I see one lone figure sitting in a chair, their back facing me. The short, light brown hair… It’s Rhodes. Oh boy. This chat should be interesting.

“Please have a seat next to Mr. Appad here.”

I sit down immediately, not meeting the boy’s gaze which is staring at me intently.

“There are many, many things I’d like to say, but for the sake of time, I will be short and honest. Rhodes, your actions were obviously dangerous. Very dangerous. This could have been your last day. Not in my class, not in this school, but ever. You could have died, and almost certainly would have if it weren’t for this brave young woman here.”

Ms. Benting looks me in the eye and smiles slightly. Her face then returns to the stern expression.

“Ramaya, I hope you also realize the severity of your actions. It was risky, but because you successfully saved his life, we forget the danger of it and instead applaud your talents.”

She pauses, as if wanting me to respond to this, but I can’t speak. An ever-growing lump in my throat makes sure of that. Thankfully, she continues.

“Rhodes. You flew way, way too high. Period. It is obvious you are not an advanced flyer. I’m sorry, but I speak the truth. You need to recognise your boundaries.”

“I… I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you up there, and-”

“Exactly. You couldn’t hear, proof you were up too high. Mr. Appad, to help you realize these boundaries, you are now on a week-long probation from flying. Please come to this class and sit on the bench for the amount of time. Maybe it will make you think long and hard about putting yourself in that much danger again.”

“But…” Rhodes sighs. “Yes, Ms. Benting. I understand.”

“Excellent. You are dismissed, but please do not attend any more classes for the day. Walk straight to the doctor’s office and have them give you a quick physical check-up.”

“I feel fine, and-”

“Mr. Appad, do you understand this is not an option, but something I am instructing you to do?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. Bye. Bye Ramaya.” He waves slightly back at me as he exits the room.

“Bye,” I nearly whisper. I turn my head slowly back to the teacher, who’s eyeing me curiously. I gulp.

“Ramaya, I frankly don’t know what to say. That was an amazing act of kindness, of courage, and of concern for others. I feel you should be rewarded.”

“No! No…” I say, shaking my head several times. “No. If anything, I should be punished too.”


“Well… When I was flying, I went pretty high up too. I couldn’t hear anything either. I was in as dangerous of a position as Rhodes.”

“But you are obviously a more experienced and confident flyer. Please don’t ask to be punished for giving your best.”

“No! Please! Please put me on probation too. I deserve it.” The sentence sounds odd, I’ve never expected those words in that order to come out of my mouth.

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