Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Liam's view

We were all so shocked and unprepared for any of this to happen. Not that we ever could be prepared for a situation like this. Niall cryied with Harry as Zayn ran his hands through his hair and cried. I was sobbing myself, but Louis seemed unsure. His hands were in fists, but his face showed that he was sad. Poor Lou, they wouldnt even let him talk to her.

He got up and started pacing back and forth, mumbling under his breath. His hands still in fists like he wants to punch something. Harry got up letting Niall cry on me and walked over to Louis. I rubbed Niall's back as I watched Harry calm Louis down. His fists softened and they hugged. Then Louis broke down and started sobbing. Harry brought him back over to the couch and sat down.

Sidney's view

My head was resting on my knees that were pulled close to my chest as I sobbed. I'm just so scared I don't know what to do. I looked around the room, or what im calling a box now, and it seemed like the door was giant. It was sliver and shiny, with mutiplable notches, lockes and bars, and a handle. It looks like it old a Lion back!

My body shivered slightly from only being in my pjs, a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt. I wiped my tears away and stood up and grabbed the dirty blanket, seeing it would have to do. I shook it, letting the dust and dirt fall off and walked back over to my spot in the corner. I sat down and lay my back on the wall covering myself with the small and dirty blanket. I then stared into space, thinking and trying to get comfortable on the hard cement floor and wall.

But I felt something hard in the pocket of my sweat pants. Oh my gosh I totally forgot I grabbed this during the whole taking me process.

Harry's view

After we all calmed down we decided to cancel all our plans for today and tomorrow. Liam said we would have to have a explatation for management and Simon so we had to make one up.

"We could just tell them we are all really sick" Zayn suggested.

"I guess that would have to do because Simon is calling me right now" Liam said.

"Ok everyone act sick" I said then Liam answered the phone.

"Hello Uncle Simon" Liam over our fake coughs and fake snezzes in the background.

"No dont send anyone over, we'll be fine" Liam said as we made more noises.

"O-Ok ok. Thank You. Bye" Then he hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

"He said we can have a few days to feel better"

We all nodded and it got silent again.

"Im gonna get someonething to eat..." Niall said getting up, with Liam and Zayn both following him.

Louis and I sat on the couch, I pulled the computer noicing Sidney start to move around. She stood up and grabbed the blanket from the floor and shook it then sat back down in the corner. Then she cover the blanket over her small body and laid her back on the wall.

I looked over to Louis who was laid back in the couch next to me staring at the screen with such sadness. He just wants to Sidney back and so do I and so does Niall, Liam and Zayn. We all want our baby girl, Sid back. I wounder if she knows that we can see?

My vivsion shifted back to the screen. Sidney was still sat in the corner, then she pulled something out of her pocket. It was a black object. "My phone!! She has my phone!" I yelled looking at Louis. Liam, NIall, and Zayn came rushing in. We all watched as Sidney held my phone looking at it.

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