Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry's view

I woke up this morning excited for what the day would bring us. I quickly showered, and changed into some jeans and a button up, light denim shirt. I dashed down the stairs to hopeful see everyone down, making some breakfast. I could smell bacon, eggs, and pancakes then the sizzle of the greasy bacon on the hot pan. As I entered the kitchen I saw Niall, Zayn and Louis at the table patiently waiting for food. Liam was at the stove flipping some pancakes onto a plate.

"Where's Sidney?" I asked as I sat down next to Zayn at the table. "She is still sleeping" Louis answered. I looked over at the clock, it was 10:55. It's almost 11 and she is still sleeping. 'Looks like she will need a little help getting up'. I though putting on a evilly cheeky grin. Muhahaha!!!lol

"Liam when is breakfast going to be done?" I asked as his back was to us and still cooking. "Uh... a little bit less than 10 minutes" he answered. "Ok" I looked at Louis, Zayn and Niall, "Let's go wake up Sidney!" I said getting up. The all nodded and we ran up the stairs.

I swung open the door and ran inside, as did Niall, Louis and Zayn. Sidney was still sleeping, she had her hands under her cheek and still the same way we left her last night. We walked over to her bed and I shook her lightly. "Sidney wake up" I said softly. She didn't move, "Sidney it's time to get up, its almost 11 o clock" Zayn tried. Still nothing, but I could see her chest going up and down showing she was breathing, and that's a good sign. "Sidney, Sidney, Sidney!" we all called poking her in the cheek. She just pulled the covers over her face. "Sidney there is pancakes, eggs, and bacon waiting down stairs!" Niall taunted. "Sidney, come on get up, get up, get up!" Louis said no longer in a whisper. She just rolled over on the other side of the bed. Wow she doesn't want to get up. "Fine Sidney, I will just have to get the water bucket!" Louis said evilly. She rolled back over then squinted her eyes at him, like she was saying 'you wouldn't' with just her eyes. Louis squinted back at her then started to walk backwards to the door. She sat up then rubbed her eyes and stood up leaning on her bed. "Good choice!" Louis smiled at her. She rubbed her eyes again then yawned. "Would you like a piggy back right down stairs darling??" Niall asked smiling. She smiled back and nodded. Niall bent down in front of her ready for her to jump on his back and run for the kitchen. She smiled big, showing her teeth and climbed onto his back. She held her arms around Niall's neck and he held onto her legs. Niall's so nice to Sidney.

Sidney's view

"Sidney wake up" someone said as they shook me lightly. I heard it but I was still in deep sleep. "Sidney it's time to get up, it's almost 11 o clock" another voice said. What?? But I don't want to wake up! "Sidney, Sidney, Sidney!" the voices called again, but then kept poking me in the cheek. I pulled the covers over my face and heard another voice. "Sidney there are pancakes, eggs, and bacon waiting down stairs!". Then another voice, "Sidney come on get up, get up, get up!" he wined. I rolled over on my side not facing them anymore. Hopefully they would get the idea that I'm not much of a morning person. "Fine Sidney, I will just have to get the water bucket!" he said. I turned pulling the covers down to look at them. It was Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis all looking at me. I believe Louis was the one that said he would get 'the water bucket'. I'm not exactly sure what that is but I think it has something to do with water and probably getting me wet. I narrowed my eyes at Louis then he did the same like he was serious. Then I sat up leaned against my bed and yawned as he said "Good choice!". Then I got a piggy back ride from Niall down stairs to the kitchen. He ran down stairs making noises and laughing, I smiled and silently laughed.

Once in the kitchen I could smell bacon, eggs, and pancakes cooking. Niall set me down in a chair at the table as everyone sat too. Liam passed out the food, giving us each two pancakes, some bacon and some eggs and a glass of orange juice. I smiled licking my lips as Liam set my plate in front of me. He got some for him self last and sat down joining us in our delightful breakfast.

After we were finished eating the rest of our breakfast Harry asked "Do we have anything planed for today?". "Nope" Liam answered. Harry looked very happy and smiley. His eyes were big and his smile was ear to ear. What is he so happy for?? It's starting to creep me out.

I helped Liam wash all the dishes then he sent me up stairs to get dressed. "Go get dressed, all the clothes in the closet and dresser are yours" he said drying his hand on a towel. I nodded then ran up stairs feeling energetic at the moment. I ran in my room closing my door behind me then ran into my closet searching for something to wear. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, white an blue flowery top and a white cardigan. I grabbed undies and a bra then ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once done in the shower I changed into my clothes and put my hair up in the towel. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the window seal. As I looked out the window, nothing much was different still just the guys' car and a few people walking their dogs. I got bored then brushed my hair and dried it. I brushed it out and it was as straight as a pencil. It has always been that way, brown, thick and straight. I braided the front two pieces back taking it out of my face and look perfect.

I skipped out my room and down stairs to see Niall, Liam and Zayn in the living room, then Harry and Louis in the kitchen talking. I plopped down next to Liam who was sitting in the small couch. He was staring at his laptop, then looked at me when I sat down. Then back to his laptop and started to type. I moved my attention away thinking he was busy. I looked at Niall and Zayn, Niall was watching tv and Zayn was on his phone.

I got up off the couch and started walking toward the kitchen. But then something caught my eye. It was big blue surf board, that said 'Teen choice awards'. How did I not see that before. I walked over to it and leaned against a big glass case. I was admiring all the shiny objects inside. There was, what looked like 3 astronauts with little flags. Then 5 little deer, or Bambi's. Then a red, white and blue person shaped object with a black hat sat on, it read 'Brit' on the front in big bold letters. There was many more shiny objects inside, then I heard Harry and Louis coming out of the kitchen laughing. They saw me and walked over smiling. "Oh, you like our awards?" Louis said rocking back and forth on the soles of his bare feet. I nodded and Harry turned looking inside the case with me. "Those are from the VMAs" he said pointing to the astronauts. "Those we won in Germany" he pointed towards the deer or Bambi's. "And that is our Brit, and this thing is our Kids Choice award!" he said happily. Wow they must all be awesome singer if they won all these awards. "Yeah and that just some of them in just these two years!" Louis said from behind Harry. I turned to look at him and nodded in interest.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TODAYYY??" Niall yelled sounding bored and sitting on the couch watching tv, still. "I don't know, what ever you want" Liam said not looking up from his laptop. "What ever we want?!" Louis said running over to Liam in disbelief. "Yup" he said popping the 'p' then shutting his laptop and setting it on the coffee table.

Harry guided me over to the couch and sat down putting me on his knee. I guess we are having some sort of family meeting or some because everyone stopped what they were doing, Niall looked away from the Tv and Zayn put his phone in his pocket. The boys all sat there in silence for a moment, I guess to think of what to do. I looked at them patently. "What if we go the carnival?" Zayn suggested sitting up from his slouching position on the couch.

"Yeah!" Louis yelled. Niall and Liam both nodded in agreement while grinning.

"What do you think Sid?" Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder. He bounced his knee up and down making me silently laugh. I nodded at him and smiled, thinking that going to a carnival would be fun. I haven't been to one in forever. It's been so long. I just remember the vague memory of looking out and around, seeing all the stairs and rides set up at night, from the top of the ferris wheel. I remember going with my mom and dad when I was 4, and we had so much fun.

After a while Liam planed out everything. At 4:30 we would live to go out for dinner. Then when we are done around 5 or 6 we would go straight to the carnival and stay there till about 8 or 9 or when ever we decided to leave.

Now it's about 3 o clock and everyone is running around the house while I sit on the couch watching them run around wild. Louis was trying to find the perfect outfit, suitable for the carnival. Harry had lost his phone and was checking everywhere to find it. Zayn was running up and down the stairs because he said he was going to do or get something but he had forgot. He was getting frustrated because he couldn't remember. Then Liam was walking around with his phone to his ear trying to buy tickets or get directions to the carnival. I laughed to myself at how funny they looked while being stressed.

Niall walked down the stairs and sat next to me on the couch. Then he picked me up and set me on his lap sideways, looking happy and not stressed. Huh how come he isn't stressed like the other guys.

Oh yeah, I remember hearing Zayn say how he is so carefree. That's cool. "Sideennyy.." he said stretching out my name. I close mouthed laughed at him. "You ok?" he questioned in his deep Irish accent. Huh I wonder if he ever lived in Ireland, or if he just got the accent from his parent or something. I nodded showing him that I was fine. "You haven't said a word you the whole time you've been here" he said with concern in his eyes. I didn't respond. "WHERE ARE MY SHOES?!" Louis yelled from upstairs in his room. I giggled a little seeing that they were under the little couch.

"I don't know how you can do it all day. I can't not talk. All day I'm like Blah blah blah, blah blah." he said waving his head around making me laugh. Out loud. But it came out in a scratchy hurting laugh. I started to cough uncontrollably and leaned forward coughing into my elbow. My throat felt dry and clogged. Niall seemed to freak out for a moment then started patting my back. "Liam get a glass of water for Sidney, quick!" He called to Liam who was still on the phone in the kitchen. Seconds later Liam came in with a glass of water, by now my eyes were watering and the coughing was dying down. But not done. I heard Louis, Harry and Zayn all run to the living room to see what all the commotion was about. I had one last cough that hurt real bad, and sounded real bad too. Then I took a big gulp of the water that Liam gave me. It healed the burning and dry sensation for just a moment till it can back again. All the guys were watching me and Niall now rubbing circles in my back. Liam sat down next to me and Niall on the couch and wiped the tears that I had forgotten were there. "What happened?" he asked concern washing into his big brown eyes. "Huh" I wanted to say why because I knew why that happened, but my throat burned. "She started laughing then coughing.." Niall answered still rubbing my back. I knew why I just had that cough attack, it's because I haven't said a word in a few days. So my voice becomes all crackly and drys out. Then when I go to talk, sometimes nothing comes out or I have a cough attack like I just did. Its happened a few times.

I knew that if I talked now then it would be even worse and burn even more. The boys gave me simplathic faces and I tired smiling to show them I was fine. I hopped off Niall's lap seeing that Louis still didn't have his shoes. I ran over to the little couch crouched down and grabbed his shoes from underneath. They were blue Toms. I walked over and put them in his hands. He looked shocked for a minute. "Thank You Sidney, I was looking all over for these" he stated grinning but still a little shocked.

"Sid you alright?" Zayn questioned. I nodded. "You sure, because_" Harry said but I cut him off. "I'm fine" I tried saying but it barely came out and the part that did come out screeched. I took another gulp of my water downing the rest of it trying to ease the pain. "Does it hurt to talk?" Niall asked sadly probably hoping the answer was no, but it was yes. Yes I hurts a lot to talk. I nodded rubbing my neck as Niall pulled me back into his lap and hugged me. "Then don't talk" Liam demanded. "Later if your feeling better then will go to the carnival" Liam stated. I nodded agreeing with him, knowing it was best

Wow the first time I want to start talking to them I can't. I huffed and leaned into Niall's chest. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me for comfort. I looked at the clock, 3:12. We still had a while till we were planed to live away way. I closed my eyes feeling weak. I lay still in Niall's hug.

Niall's view

I hated to see Sidney in pain. When she started to cough I didn't know what to do. I patted her back and yelled for Liam to get some water. It sounded really bad and like it hurt really bad too.

And it seemed like she just wanted to start talking to us, but we decided that it was better if she didn't right now.

I pulled her back into my lap and she leaned into my chest I hugged her tight and close. But I didn't want to let go. I loosened and saw her eye lids close. She started to fall asleep. I looked at my lads. They all looked at her with worried looks. Once I was sure she was asleep I whispered."Lads, what do you think?". "Just a sore throat I hope" Zayn whispered. "Yeah, when you don't use your vocal cords for a while they start to become weak" Liam strayed softly, trying not to wake her. (Ok that may not be true but just go with it for the sake of the story)

I looked at the time, we still had about a hour left till we are scheduled to leave. I didn't want to wake Sidney so I decided to take a little nap too.

Louis' view

I walked back into the living room from up stairs to see both Niall and Sidney sleeping. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she laid her head on his chest. they looked so cute. I quickly took my phone out snapped a pic.

The time was 3:51, should we wake her? I decided to asked my lads and walked to the kitchen, where they all were with the exception of Niall. They were all leaning against the counter talking.

I walked in and they stopped and looked at me.

"Are they still sleeping?" Harry asked.

"Yup" I answered. "Should we wake them?" I asked.

"Yeah if you want to go to the carnival" Liam shrugged.

We agreed and walked into the living room. We shook them slightly. Niall woke up first, he looked down at Sidney and smiled. After many attempts to wake up Sidney her eyes finally fluttered up.

Sidney's view

When I woke up I still sat on Niall's lap. Then they all looked at me, "Sidney does your throat still hurt?" Niall asked. I felt my neck, even though I couldn't feel it by the outside. Then cleared my throat, and tried to speak. "No" I answered, but it was low and quiet. "No!" I said again louder.

"No no no no, It doesn't hurt!" I almost screamed. Niall winced, "Ok you can talk, but not that loud please" he said picking at his ear with his finger. I laughed "Sorry". "Ok you ready to go to the carnival?!" Louis yelled jumping up and down. "no.." they looked shocked for a second. "Just kidding, yeah lets goo!"I said running for the door. They all laughed and followed me to the car. "SHOTGUN" I yelled running for the passenger door.

We all piled in the car and left for the carnival. I was soo excited, I couldn't stop jumping up and down in the seat in the back. I should have gotten front but Louis decided to act parental and said "It's not safe". But I know he just wanted front while Liam drove.

Then off to the carnival we went.

(Sorry that I stopped right there, I know not much of a ending but I need to start the next chapter with the carnival. I'll try to update as fast as I can. So become a fan of me so you can stay in touch with all the stories. Also Comment and Vote too!! Bye bye)

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