please, hurry, leave me

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"Its been hours. Where the fuck is he?"

Ed sat by the dinghy, the sun only barely visible behind the horizon.

"Hes left me, that's what hes done. Hes realised what a stupid decision it was to kiss me, and he's left me"

The tears started to roll down his cheeks and he struggled to keep a straight face. (Cuz he's not straight)

He took a last look at the trees, hoping that that adorable idiot would burst through the leaves, like the angel he is.

But he never did.

Ed made his way to the dinghy, an oar in each hand and started rowing.

He didnt get far before a certain blonde haired man stumbled through the bushes


Stede fucking Bonnet.

Of course


Stede ran along the dock and leapt into the salty water. He swam over and Ed helped him in.

Ed kept his hand on Stede's arm as he explained what happened.

"I'm sorry I was so late. Badminton, the man i-... the man I murdered, his brother, he found me in bed and walked me out into the forest at gunpoint. He said such awful things, Ed, awful but true. He tried to shoot me but tripped and shot himself in the face. Through the same eye his brother was stabbed."

"Are you ok, though?"

"Physically, yes, mentally, no."

Ed tried bring him in for a hug but Stede pulled away

"I'm a curse, Ed. I either ruin or leave, everyone who I care about. I left Mary, I left my kids, i almost left you, but i couldn't. At least not without goodbye. I ruined you. I managed to ruin the great Blackbeard."

"Stede you haven't-"

"YES! I have. I am a lighthouse, Ed. I draw you in, and then you crash on the rocks. And I dont want to leave, I really don't. I want to run away with you, I want to kiss you, I l-..."

He realised something.

"I- I love you. I love you Ed, and it's going to make you crash.  I don't think I can leave you anymore, even if I tried, I would end up coming back. I want to follow you, but you need to leave me. For your own good... for your own good please dont say you love me back"

"I don't care about my own good, Stede. I dont care about my reputation, I don't want to be Blackbeard, I want to leave that behind. All I care about is you. None if those things make me happy. You make Ed happy. I love you"

"I guessed this is how it would turn out. But if that's what you want, then I'll never leave you as long as you want me"

The whole boat rocked as Ed made his way over to Stede, pressing his lips onto the other man's.

"I'll never want you to leave, Stede"

Stede smiled

"I never want to leave either."

Our Flag Means Death oneshots (Mainly Ed And Stede)Where stories live. Discover now