Ushijima X F! Daughter! Reader

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I know it says daughter but it isn't like that. It just wouldn't make sense for an ex reader book to not have "x reader". But this is a familial platonic x reader!

Writer info:
Hi! My name is Geo, I'm 23 and my pronouns are she/her. I think that's what I'm supposed to do? Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Edit on 4/20 (haha funny number): Geo is too busy with her family life so I might be finishing this? It's so hard because so many people front and the amnesia sob sob, but we're trying to get stuff out.
Anyways my name is (lol not gonna actually share it because I don't feel comfortable) but just call me Xx, I'm an adult and waah I just got married I'm so happy. Oh and my pronouns are he/him

Oh and also if you see any lemons/limes/smut/whatever republished we have no idea who did that or why, someone did that and we don't know who but that was not intentional at all

   5-2-22:Also writing because we keep switching due to our PS, so it's often many writing. I'm ???, meaning I don't know who I am, but that doesn't matter, hope you enjoy the fanfic ig.

It was started by Geo, worked on by Xx, not much, but ultimately I finished it. -???

Waaah! It was finally the day! You're only four years old so today feels like the most important day of your life. The anxiety and excitement of your elementary school dance recital only goes up more now that it's today.

   Your teacher has been helping you and all of your classmates to prepare for this big moment. You were excited that your dad could show up to your performance. He said he would make it and it made you so happy.

  You peeked from behind the curtain to see many parents, classmates' siblings too young to be in school, grandparents and even some great grandparents! But you didn't see your dad, he said he would be here, so why isn't he?

You went to your teacher and politely asks if she could let you borrow her cellphone so you could call your dad, she agreed. You dialed his number, proud of yourself for remembering. The phone rang and you heard that familiar voice. Filled with both happiness and confusion upon hearing him.

You asked about his whereabouts, then he hit you with the unexpected news. He said he was unable to come, something came up at work and his boss would not allow him to leave under any circumstances. You tried not to cry while saying you understood. The call ended and you handed the teacher phone back. You went back to the other kids, and you waited patiently for it to start.

You were devastated, he promised you. You were mad and didn't know whether you should hate your dad or his boss, but you knew work was important, your child brain couldn't understand, but he told you it was important so it must be.

Just as your class formed in their positions and the curtains rose you saw a familiar face, no, familiar faces. It wasn't your father, but rather his friends, those who you call your uncles. You were filled with surprise, but you had to wait until later to react, for now you had to preform on stage.


Eventually it ended, everyone clapped and cheered. You were happy and your smile had a hard time faltering. So lost in the pure bliss of the applause you almost forgotten about your uncles.
Quickly you rushed off stage to greet them, all of them. They were all there. The red haired one, Tendoū, he handed you a stuffed bear and exaggerated his applause to your performance.

The others applauded, following his lead, but less exaggerated. They told you that your father wanted you to not be alone, and they wanted to be there for you even if he didn't ask.

Your earlier hatred gone, you understood that he couldn't be there but made sure somebody was. And he'll see the video recording recorded by Goshiki, so he was there, just not physically.

The day turned night was amazing, you had much enjoyment and fun. Getting tired you decided you needed to go home, hopefully your father will be there waiting. Tendoū picked you up in his arms, the rest unknown due to being asleep.


When you came to you awoke, but in your bed at home, you don't remember how you got there, but you remembered having a good time. You were happy with how things went, and now you understand just how much your dad loves you.

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