Hinata x Reader fluff

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  Reader's POV
       I was walking into the Karasuno gym to see the vollyball players play. I wanted to be a manager but decided against it due to my busy schedule at home with taking care of my little brother and work schedule. when i walked in Noya immediately saw me and started running towards me. "Hey (N/N), why dont you join us for a game? We need an extra player anyway?" he smiled his infamous bright smile. "No, I dont think i will.." i looked down and smirked. Of course i would i just wanted to tease them. "Oh come on (L/N), we all know you want to." The mom of the group, Sugawara, motioned me over. I sighed and started to put my hair up and take my jacket off. "Lets do this." I grabbed a ball and started to spin it in my hands

~Some time later~

"WHAT THE HECK KAGEYAMA?!? I thought you were supposed to be good." The little first year tangerine mumbled the last part. I looked at the black-haired boy that looked like he was about to murder the poor boy. "AWWWWW COME HERE YOU LITTLE  TANGERINE!!" i started to run at him and try and engulf him in a hug. To my surprise he was a lot shorter then me but really fast.

After about 3 minutes of  me trying to get him i finally tackled him to the ground and had him pinned down. he tried to escape my bear hug but was failing miserably. He sighed in defeat and gave into the hug. after about 5 minutes of me hugging the little boy everyone wanted to play more volleyball. "Umm hey (L/N)-senpai.. Can we have hinata back so we can finish the game?" The child i assumed was kageyama approached cautiously. "UGHHH FINEEE and just call me (Y/N)-senpai i dont mind but i love being called senpai.." i started to doze into my own world. I got of of the little tangerine known as hinata and went to get my jacket to leave.

"Hey (Y/N) where are you going?" Daichi asked. "Im going to work and help my brother. Duty calls. See yall." I let my american show. "You to shorty.." i pointed a finger gun and winked at hinata. His face immediately turned bright red. I chuckled on my way out.

~Next day~

I was walking around the school yard while class was going on. I didnt really care if i was going to get in trouble because its not like anything would happen. I was a straight-A student and in my second year when i should be in my first. (I dont know if they can skip grades in japan.. just roll with it and pls dont attack meh) While walking around i spot a familiar orange messy head of hair. I snuck up on him planing on scaring the short boy. "Hey Hinata!" i yelled from behind him. He jumped up from the fright and almost fell on his ass.

"S-Senpai!? What are y-you doing here?" he stuttered. "You're cute when your flustered.. be flustered more often." i looked down at him. He just looked away awkwardly with a red face. "What are you doing out here. Its not very cash-money of you to be skipping class." I scolded. "I-I could ask you the same.." he backed up. I walked towards him as he walked back. "Im a straight-A student and skipped a grade. Do you really need an explanation from your superior?" I looked at him with a glare. He looked like he just saw a murder right in front of him.

"Aw there is no need to be afraid of me hunny.. You're cute so you get a pass. But if i see you out here again.." i smiled down at him. "W-What did you call me?!?" he flushed red. "Oh Hunny? Dont worry about it. Its just a nickname people would call friends in the south of America." i laughed. he looked relieved to hear that and seemed to relax more. I wanted to tease him more so i decided to do so.

"Ya know.. i never kissed someone before.. have you?" i smirked. "U-Uh no i havent.." he replied face now red as a tomato. "Okay lets see what its like." Before he could reply i slammed my lips on his. He stiffened up but after a little bit he relaxed. I pulled away smiling like and idiot. The tangerine looked confused, happy, and scared all at the same time. "I liked that.. Did you?" i asked as looked to see if anyone was around. "U-Uhm i uh.." He stammered

"Well i have to go. See you later Babes." i kissed him on the cheek before i left to go cheek on my brother. I looked back to see that hinata was silently cheering and jumping around. A slight smile made its way on my face while i left the school.
So that was something i wrote. Its weird ik but this was just something that popped into my head so i kinda just went with what i came up with. Might do a Part 2.. Depends on if you guys want it. Anyway Have a great day/night lovlies ~Liv 🖤🖤🖤

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