Not today (18)

20 1 0

After we walked for a few minutes we arrive to Rose house I sat down on the couch while she went to get a bottle of water for me and her

Y/N: So what is it?

Rose: Oh right wait here for a second

I did what she told me to do I watch her go to her go upstairs and go in to her room I receive a message from Lisa asking where I was I ignore her text leaving her on read, I looked up to see if Rose was coming downstairs but she wasn't so I still waited but I got another text from Lisa well that's what I thought until I saw that she send me a picture of her...thing so I quickly hide it

Suddenly I heard some steps coming downstairs I turned around to see Rose in a maid outfit with a really short skirt, my eyes widen when I saw her I stood up from the couch

Rose: How does it look?

Y/N: N-nice

Rose: I thought the skirt may be longer but I guess is not

Y/N: Why did you buy the maid outfit?

Rose: Well..I um I actually wanted you to see me like this

Y/N: Well you do look..amazing

Rose: You don't like it don't you?

Y/N: I- I love it but..don't you think it shows..a little to much

Rose: That was the purpose

She slowly walk towards me while one of her finger was placed on my chest leading me to sit back down, she got on top of me while she smirk, She doesn't know how much I want to do this with her but I can't.. the kisses well hickeys that Lisa gave are still visible, I can't let her see it

Y/N: Babe I..I can't do this

Rose: Why not?

Y/N: I Um I'm not ready yet

Rose: Oh's fine then I'm sorry for pressuring you-

Y/N: It's fine I just-

Rose: Are you hungry?

Y/N: Yeah

She got off me and walk towards the kitchen, I watch her put some oil on the pan while I smiled at her cooking, I got a text from text from Lisa saying if I was wanted to hang out but of course I declined telling her that I was busy

Rose: How did you meet that girl?

Y/N: Who?

Rose: The one who you were at your house

Y/N: Her name is Nayeon and I met her in the school bathroom

Rose: Wait what?

Y/N: In the bathroom, she was crying so I ask her if she was ok apparently she thought she was pregnant and made me buy her a pregnancy test for her so I did and that's how a met her, now that I think about it it's a really weird way how we met

Rose: Yeah

Y/N: Is the food done yet?

Rose: Let me check..mmm yep is done

I grabe 2 plates and serve food for her and me after I placed the plates in the table Rose pulled out her camera

I grabe 2 plates and serve food for her and me after I placed the plates in the table Rose pulled out her camera

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Y/N: What are you doing?

Rose: I want to take a picture of you

Y/N: Why?

Rose: I don't have any picture of me and you

I smiled but she instantly took a picture of me I looked at her with a serious face

Rose: Aww look at you

She show me the picture of me while smiling which made my whole face expression change to a big smile

Y/N: Come on Rose eat the food it will get cold

Rose: Fine

We ate while talking about school we spend the whole day together we cuddle and play some video games while we hug each other I didn't notice how stuff were getting hotter and exciting since I was on top of her and kissing her, she slowly moan while I kissed her neck, however I had a small mini heart attack when I heard the door bell ring, I got off her while fixing her shirt

I walked up to the door and I slowly open the door I totally didn't expect to see Lisa to be the one knocking

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Lisa: I came to visit y- Rose

Rose: Lisa!? It's so good to see you again

Lisa: Is it ok if I stay here for a little?

Rose: Sure come inside

She step inside as they both walked towards the couch and sat down as well as I did but I sat next to Rose

Y/N: I will get a cup of water

Lisa: Me too I'm thirsty

Y/N: Dont worry I would bring you some

Lisa: It's ok let's both go

She stood up from her seat as we both walked to the kitchen but as soon as we were at a distance were Rose couldn't see us Lisa pinned me to the wall, I quickly pulled her away from me, she looked at me surprised, I bend to grab a cup and I went to fill it, I ignore Lisa when she was trying to get my attention, I walk towards Rose and sat down with her with one of my arm wrapped around her shoulder, I smiled as her as Lisa sat down with us

Rose: What took y'all so long?

Y/N: I couldn't find a cup

Rose: Oh you should have ask me

Y/N: I know but Lisa helped me find it

Rose: Lisa knows where everything is located

Lisa: Im here to help

Since I was sitting in between of them, Lisa would grabbed a blanket and would cover our legs, Rose was slowly falling asleep I let her head rest in my shoulders while she grabbed my left arm, Lisa wouldn't stop grabbing my tights, I keep on removing her hands from me but she wouldn't give up

Y/N: Stop it

I whispered so that I wouldn't wake Rose up

Lisa: I will but you need to give me what I want

I knew exactly what she wanted but I couldn't give it to her, I won't let this happen again

Y/N: Lisa leave

I change my voice to a demanding one which made Lisa eyes widen

Lisa: Fine, I'll see you tomorrow

She stood up from the couch while slowly walking towards the door until she shut the door waking Rose up

Rose: W-what happened?

Y/N: Let go to your room, you must be sleepy

Rose: I am

I helped her walk upstairs until we reach to her room, we lay down together while I give her warm kisses in her forehead, her eyes slowly closed as well as mine, we both fall asleep cuddling

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