I wont hurt you anymore, cause I love you (23)

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I stopped walking when I saw a car pulled up in the side of the street when I saw the person come out of the car I froze.


I started walking towards the forest where it was dark but when I look back I saw that Rose didn't look both ways, a truck was coming at a fast speed that even if he seen her he wouldn't be able to stop the truck in time, I ran as fast as I could that it made it look like I teleported, I carried her into the forest into safety with me in my arms

Y/N: Are you ok?!

I thought she may had a scar and I search for one but thankfully there was none

Rose: y-y/n

she stare at my eyes without looking away, her eyes started getting watery

Y/N: I'm sorry

A tear from her eyes were falling, she couldn't control it any more she let out time of tears, she wrapped her hands around my neck while sobbing

Y/N: Im so sorry for leaving you

I hug her tightly but her love and sadness left, I got a bit confused but I felt anger coming from her her hands turned into a fist, and she punch my face

Rose: YOU LEFT ME, I LOVED YOU, you were the only person I loved

She ran towards me and pushed me to the floor and grabbed me from my collar shirt and she hit my face nonstop, her punches didn't hurt but her words did, the tears falling into my face were hurting the inside of me

Y/N: I did it for..your own good

Rose: I HOPE YOU DIE, I hate you..so much

She slapped me one more time before running into the deep of the forest, there's one thing I realize when she punch me, her scent was.. disappearing, it was fading, it wasn't as strong as it was before, I ran behind her, I didn't want her to get lost nor kill, but I lost her, I lost her in so many ways.

I tried finding her but everywhere I look it was dark, until I heard somebody sobbing, I moved a bit away from the tree where I was hearing the whimpers

I took a closer look and saw her, I saw her crying and hitting herself.

The words that she said, were true I should kill myself I should do it, I don't want her to suffer anymore, this is all my fault I destroyed her I destroyed our love, I broke my own heart, I climbed a mountain and I look down

Y/N: I love you, Rose but you don't love me anymore and I understand that

I wrote on a piece of paper and I put it in my pocket where I hope someone can find it and give it to her, cause I know she won't even want to look at me neither do I, I hurt her so much that I'm ok with dying I deserve it after all..

Y/N: I love you, Rose

I jumped off the mountain and I closed my eyes, this time I made sure to stab myself before my body drop into dust and the paper slowly falling down the mountain accidentally falling in Rose hands..



This is the end of the story and I hope y'all like it, I know some of y'all hate sad story so if you would like for me to change a bit the end of the story please let me know, I love you all ❤️

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