Patient AU- Pacient Sun x Pacient Moon

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Moon's pov:

I was one of the pacients in a mental hospital and had my arms restrained due to my...Violent... Tendencies... Luckily I had made a friend there named Sun! He was there because of his own issues... Mainly high anxiety... But he was still nice to hang around!

We were all in the cafeteria and I was still unable to use my arms... One of the doctors had to feed me which I felt was degrading but at least I wasn't starved... Sun had came over and sat next to me, gaining the doctor's attention, "Hello Sun... What are you doing over here? Moon is supposed to be eating so he can go to his room.."

I growled at the doctor, glaring at her with little care for her words. Luckily Sun didn't leave at least, "I-I'm sorry... I just wanted to hang o-out with my freind..."

He was in here because he had a habit of playing with his wires when he was nervous, him doing so at this moment... The doctor wasn't even looking to him to realize how nervous he was, "How about you hang out with someone else... Or eat before you all gotta go to your rooms?"

He didn't like many people at the hospital and I knew that so I tried to get myself free, looking away from the food being shoved at me, "How about YOU shut your mouth..."

She huffed and stood which made me groan knowing what it ment, "I gotta take Moon to his room. You shouldn't be playing with him anyways-"

That was when Sun shocked us both, "N-no! He's not bad... I like playing with Moon..."

She finally turned her attention to him and gasped, seeing where he was anxiously scratching at his arms, messing with wires that peeked threw the cracks. The doctor pulled his arms apart quickly, "Ok ok! But you shouldn't be messing with your wires! And if anything happens... Playtime is over. Got it?"

Sun smiled nervously, "O-ok Dr. Vanessa..."

I hated this doctor more then the others... She would seem so nice... Only to be a total bitch when you disobeyed... I relaxed a bit knowing Sunny would be following though... He always knew how to help me calm down...

Sun's pov:

After Dr. Vanessa let me follow to join Moon we headed to his room. I had already eaten so I didn't mind all too much. She brought him to his room and I walked in waiting for him to be unhooked but... They left him like that? She was heading to the door but I grabbed her coat to gain her attention, "M-miss?.... Y-you didn't unhook him?....."

She looked to me in confusion, making me look away nervously before she replied, "He is left like that unless given shots so he doesn't attack people. So he can't be untied. Now I gotta go get his muzzle to put back on him. I'll be back."

I pouted but let her go, hiding my hands behind my back, "O-ok...."

When she left I turned to Moon and held up some keys, "I don't care what they say! Y-you're not dangerous!"

Moon smiled to me and looked away with a blush, "Not to you.... But you don't make me upset or treat me like an animal... But to them?... I am..."

I frowned looking at the keys and then him.... I smiled and walked to him and was about to unlock him when the door opened and Dr. Vanessa came back with a muzzle, luckily not noticing her missing keys yet, "I'm back. Now maybe we can get you off the stretcher at least!"

I hid the keys, worried of any sound they might make or getting in trouble if they moved. After making it look like I wasn't trying to do anything suspicious I moved away, watching as she put the muzzle on Moon and he growled at her. She simply glared back at him and scoffed at him and grabbed for where he keys normally were, "....Wait a minute... Where are my keys!? Ugh! I'll be back. I gotta make sure they didn't get stolen. Sun? I recommend you leave as soon as ya can. This brute is nothing but trouble..."

I frowned and stepped away from her towards Moon. She shrugged and rolled her eyes, "Still can't stay forever. But you can for now..."

I nod, trying not to start scratching my arms. She left to look for her keys, luckily she didn't check us for the keys before going. I went back to my work with Moon. Getting him off the stretcher and untying his arm restraints. They had locked his arms so to think he never got to move them... Well... He can now!

He smiled warmly to me, looking to his now freed arms, immediately wrapping them around me in a hug, "I've been wanting to do that forever..~"

I blushed brightly, hiding my face in his chest, "M-mmmrr... Y-you're silly..."

He made me look to him, rolling his shoulders to stretch slightly, "What ever you say..~ Been a long time since I could stretch with out the doctors giving me a shot... Feels nice..~"

I hummed slightly, enjoying the moment when the doctor came back and I froze in fear.... We were definitely gonna be in trouble... She gasped and snapped at us both, "The hell is Moon doing free!? Sun! Did you do that!? God damn it.. Moon! Let him go seems I found where my keys went when I came to take Sun back!"

Moon pulled me closer to him in a tighter hold, "FUCK OFF YA CRAZY BITCH!"

I was still nervous and tried to hide my face in Moon's chest still, crying in fear. The Dr. Vanessa must have thought Moon made me cry because she grabbed me and pulled me away from Moon to behind her. I yelped in fear as I heard Moon growl and The doctor had a tight hold to the back of my shirt.

I tried to get her to let go but she refused, "Shush Sun! You are fine! Now hold still-"

Moon cut her off by trying to tackle her, "MY FRIEND!-"

She pulled out a needle and injected it into Moon right as he came towards us, making him freeze before passing out. She finally let me go and looked me in the eyes, "Now do you see why we keep him tied up? He could of hurt you if I hadn't intervened!"

I was crying and pulled at my Ray's, 'B-but he- N-no- IT'S MY FAULT NOT HIS!"

She looked at me confused but held my wrists as I was trying to pull more on my rays, crying still, "What do you mean?... Sure you unhooked him but him hurting you isn't your fault-"

"BUT HE N-NEVER HIRT ME!" ,I sobbed out, staring to hyperventilate.

I was having another panic attack... I hated that I was too much of a coward... And when I FINALLY have the guts to speak I can't even handle it... She luckily let go as I fell to my knees and went to hold Moon's sleeping form. Dr. Vanessa just stared.... It scared me so much... What have I done to my friend... I-if I only listened... He would at least be awake...

After a few moments Vanessa pulled me from Moon and took me to my room. She practically dragged me three since I wanted to stay by Moon. When we got there she put me in a jacket similar to Moons that tied my arms so I stopped grabbing and tugging on my rays, "P-please! I-I don't wanna leave Moon!-"

She shushed me and I whined, too worried about getting in more trouble to go on, "Shush... He will wake up later. But you seem to need time to think about what you did! I know he's your friend Sun... But he's dangerous... You're staying in your room for the rest of the day. So you have plenty of time to think before stealing again-"

I tried to ask for forgiveness, to beg to see him again but all I could do is stutter out "but"s and "please"s... She went to the door holding her keys, "Hopefully you will listen next time or you'll be tied up like Moon full time as well..."

She left leaving me to my own thoughts and tears.... What have I done.... I.... I just wanted to make Moon happy.... And I made it worse... I fell to my knees in sadness and leaned on the wall, "I j-just... W-wanted to be with him...."

Sun X Moon AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now