Midevil AU- Rouge Moon x Holy Knight Sun

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Sun's pov:

Here I stand. A soldier before the king and holy soldier in the battlefield. I am now to search for a rouge among us. A rebble taking the soldiers one by one. And I am the one to stop this!

I was in search in the location of murders and stolen weapons. Fully ready to handle whoever this rouge may be... The night set and I stood in pacients... Before I knew it I heard the approaching danger... It is now we shall handle this.

Moon's pov:

I am a traitor to them... but it was them who left me. So I at last avenge my abandonment! Along with it I can get whatever I wish. But another is in my way... One of the new troop knights... Heh... Let's have some fun with this..~

I was approaching, unintentionally making noice in the brush, seeing him take out a sword, "Who goes there?"

Hmmm... Sounds like he could be a charmer with a voice like that..~ Maybe I'll let him live to play with for a bit..~ I watch as he came closer, moving to be in a lunging position. I watch, ready, dagger in hand.

The second he got close enough I grabbed his sword, ignoring the new cut from his attempt to attack, bringing the blade to his neck amd disarming him, "Hello boy..~ Who's under that helmet?~"

He struggled, "Who are you!?"

"A traitor to traitors... And you?~"

"A holy knight! Now release me and cease your murders at once!"

I hummed to his request, "I will... when they are done. And I am recalled."

Sun's pov:

Recalled? He wants recalled??? Was he forgotten?... Wha... Damn... What is his story?... My interest is peaked...

I question him despite my venerable position, "What do you mean? Who must recall you!? What is your name?-"

He put something to my mouth and I gasped, "Moon. Nighty night..~"

I was puzzled but unconsciousness took hold before I could struggle more...

Sun X Moon AU OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang