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Everyday, you seem to stray further away from god. Not that you masturbate so often it could be genuinely considered a sin, or that you've killed anyone. Or.. Killed anyone of innocence.. No, sometimes you just feel as if though you're the worlds greatest fuck-up.

That's all fine, though. You could stand here in the blistering, sweltering heat, doing your arm exercises. Getting crude stares from those surrounding you, waiting to take the same entrance exam you're about too. You felt as if you'd trained more than anyone else here, taking a look around and seeing all of the pitiful faces. Faces that dared compare you to the hero Mirko. Sure, your quirks had the same likeness. You could do all the things, but 10 times better. Jump, kick, scratch. It was all written out in each strand of your DNA, making this entrance exam a piece of cake. 

You leaned back, fingers intertwined to get a good stretch in. You were being left behind within a few moments of the battle starting. People from all over the world rushed passed those gates, but not you. You only yawned and practiced another fantastic stretch. From out of your track-suit, you pulled a celery stick and munched on it to gain some much needed sustenance. 

It was only then did you begin skipping forward towards the arena, each step you took gained you more traction. Only you, of course.. Or you thought.

A walking head of broccoli was trying it's best to scurry onto the arena as fast as it could.. But to no avail, it was far to slow to even get some points. 

"Were do you think your going!?" You exclaimed loudly, quickly jumping from one place to another, and landing right next to the head of broccoli you so desired to munch on. 

The broccoli gasped, taken aback by your sudden intrusion. "J-just trying to get into the arena!" he said, not taking a moment to slow down. However, it was now your turn to be just as shocked as he... And disappointed. "You think you can just walk around here looking like that!?" you shouted at the poor thing, while he tried his best to just escape from you. 

"Looking like what!?" Finally, you two were in the arena. Broccoli glanced around frantically as if he were searching for an answer. 

"Looking so delicious! I thought you were a head of broccoli!" You shouted, lunging yourself into the air and striking a robot right on the top of it's head with your fists together. You fell down with it, but ended right back on your feet.

You were blown back as soon as you thought you had ground. There was no intent to hit you, but you ended up taking some of the heat another boy used to destroy a robot. "I-I'm not broccoli! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He explained, looking around for ONE robot he could take down. 

You stuck a finger up in the air at him, trying to find the source of that blow you just got. For gods sake, you were choking on dust particles. "I don't know WHO has the explosion quirk, BUT MAYBE BE A LITTLE MORE CONSIDERATE!?" You screamed, lifting off into the air again to wack another one of these bitches down.

Izuku was still having trouble getting himself a robot.. Yet, that was before he saw a girl who was in trouble, stuck under a bit of rubble she was unable to get off of herself. 

"Maybe get out of the god damn way!" A voice shouted back. 

You could hear the anger in the voice all too well. Your ears were perking up and flipping out to try and pick up where exactly the sound was coming from. Whoever it was, was a little farther away from you. It was alright though, you were able to easily track the grunts from this volatile person. As soon as you'd hopped enough, you found him. And the way you were going to get back at him, was stripping him of some points.

As soon as you saw him revving up to blast another bot, you smashed it before he could. Oh boy did that make him upset. "What the fuck is your problem!?"

Demidevil (Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now