the findings

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Golden ran toward the masculine screaming. As she got closer, she could make out a females voice as well. Both of them sounded familiar, but... She didn't know who they were because of the throbbing headache. Then she tuned the corner and saw them. Sitting ( and standing) there were her enemies: Pomegranate (oh how much she hated her!), licorice (she didn't mind him.. She felt different towards him), dark choco and poison mushroom (she loved this child). When she saw them, she immediately turned back around the corner. Something was strange about seeing your enemies half-naked. "Just shut up!" Pomegranate yelled. "We will get out of here.. Some how."  Pomegranate sighed. "I-I know how to get out.." Golden said, emerging from the bushes with her head down. All 3 of them (minus poison mushroom, who was making an sand castle) looked up at Golden.  " oh great. It's you." Pomegranate said. "I'm so excited"

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