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Warning: kinda thirsty so red velvet Simps beware lol.
Red velvet roared out of the bushes. "BASTARD!" he yelled. Red velvet pointed at pomegranate, who was putting her cloth shirt on. "YOU LEFT ME!" Golden looked at him, who had dark tan skin. His chest had scratches on top of his abs, and they seemed fresh. "YOU LEFT ME BACK THERE WITH THOSE THINGS, LUCKLY I GOT AWAY," Red velvet yelled. "What.. Creatures..." Golden asked quietly. "Did you not tell me about something," " oh f_ck sakes, another person, " Red Velvet groaned. " Yea.. We didn't tell you about something. We got chased by these small creatures with frill and these thingys on the top of its head. T-that was why I was sitting and panicking, " Licorice sighed. "Anything else?" "Yes, it attempted to spit at me yet it didn't hit me," Dark choco explained quietly. "Dilos..Did they follow you?" Golden gulped. "I made sure they didn't," Red Velvet rolled his eyes. Golden hit her pickaxe against a rock before hitting a tree. She than harvested another of bushes, sat down, and began to craft something. "What is she doing?!" Red Velvet asked. "Sh, trust the girl," Licorice smiled. A few minute later she got up. "I introduce the spear, make some for yourself, I'm killing those bxtches," Golden explained. "C-come back alive! P-please?" Licorice pleaded. Golden looked at him. "I'm sorry, no promises," then she walked off.

Golden took a deep breath in. She was horrified. She didn't know if she could do this, she didn't know if she could live like this, in the ark. She didn't know if she could kill the dilos. "Listen, there is a while group of people, well your enemies, counting on you." She thought L- no, don't think like that," Golden blushed a bit. "There is a kid, save them," Then she saw them. One was white and brown the other was green. The Dilos walked around in the same area, bloody drool dripping from their snouts. Their frills were tucked back tightly. "," Golden whispered. She threw her spear, which hit the green one, both of them looked at her, snarled, and released their frills. The green one spit and her. She jumped to the right, just missing it. They got closet. She yelled and took her torch out, hitting the white one and setting it on fire. It screeched and started flaring around, making the flames bigger. It finally fell to the ground. Golden tried doing the same to the green one, but it bit her right arm and didn't let go. She screamed and punched it. It still was holding on. Golden took out her spear and stabbed it before it let go and started to flee. She threw her spear again and hit it, causing the creature to die. She groaned in pain as she walked over to its body. Golden collected the spears sticking out from it body then dragged the body along. She looked at the white one, who was now black with small orange embers flickering on it, and grabbed that one too. Golden started back to camp.

"Who's hungry," Golden smiled weakly. Blood from her right arm was dripping on the floor. "Your.. arm?" Dark choco asked. "Oh its...fine..a small bite.." Golden said quietly. "You don't seem fine, you seem weaker," Licorice stated. "Yea, you need to res- DAMMIT- a little bit," Red velvet stated, trying to a wrestle into his shirt. "I'm sure we can find out how to cook by ourselves, actually I think dark choco has a fire already?" Pom asked. Dark choco nodded as he started the fire. "I can't rest, my blood will attract predators, besides, we need more food," Golden ripped a piece of her shirt off and rapped it around her wound. She then started off again, back into the distance. "N-no! Stop!" Licorice yelled.

Golden looked around and sighed. The only thing around were dodos. "I don't wanna, I'm sor-" she was cut off but a scream. It wasn't coming from camp, it was on the other side of the peninsula. Golden ran towards the sound. On the distance she saw something on the ground when she got closer, she saw what it was: a human. "Hey, sh!" Golden approached the girl. "Wh-where am I~!" The girl cried out. She was younger, maybe in her 20s, with Hispanic skin and white hair. He eyes where black with tears streaming out of them. "You are in the ark, now sh, I get it us scary but you could die!" Golden insisted. "I- help me.." the girl cried. "What is your name, I'll take you with me," Golden stated. "I-I'm Luna.." Luna said. "Ok ok, follow me. But before you meet the others, I have one thing to do.." Golden cracked her knuckles and Luna gulped.

"Golden!" Licorice cried when she emerged from the bushes. "Hi there, we have some new friends. This is didi the dodo!" Golden said, holding and petting a big bird. " and this is Luna," Luna emerged behind Golden. "Bloody hell.." Red velvet sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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