Chapter 5 - News and Planning

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It's Friday today, so that means the first week of school is gonna be over and I'm not bothered for the weekend. I never usually am because I just end up sitting at home anyway. I'm enjoying school to be honest.

I fiddle with hair in the last five minutes of English before lunch break. Thank god for lunch break. I'm starving and I'm so so bored! I'm fed up of just sitting in this classroom, I feel all hot and bothered. Although it's October, I'm really warm - bare in mind I am wearing a woolly jumper and a hoodie on top.

The bell rings and I don't think I could of ran out of class any quicker. I walk slowly to my locker to get out my biology folder because after lunch is biology. I see Cameron laughing and chatting with his mates and then Lindsay walks along with two best friends. I watch her and her sidekicks approach Cameron and his squad. She starts chatting to him and then throws her head back in complete exaggeration of laugher and he gives me a small chuckle. She links his arm and they start walking but he pulls away slowly and points my direction but hasn't looked at me. I frown confused but then turn back to my locker in case I make eye contact with one of the musketeers or perhaps Cameron or his squad.

I suddenly feel someone stood by my side and before I go to look they speak,
"Oh hey." It's Cameron. Great. I'm too scared to turn around in case his mates are stood behind, or perhaps even one of the girls. I freeze shocked too.
"Hey," I shrug causally. I look at him and he smiles,
"Off to your secret hide out?" He whispers laughing. I check behind me and see it's only us stood by our lockers, other wise it's just small groups passing by but they're all so caught up in their conversations they wouldn't hear me and Cameron.
"What's it to you?" I hiss. He raises his eyebrows and shrugs,
"Just asking. Hey, why don't you come to the canteen and try socialise with people? You might find someone like you? Someone that likes science or something."

This is the annoying thing about Cameron. We don't actually talk much except that day we hung out but otherwise we hardly speak. Music is the only time he speaks to me, but that's because he has nobody else in that lesson because they're all the really geeky guys or weird crazy girls. I am crazy and weird but not like the ones in our music class. Cameron is nice to me in music but otherwise he's himself when in any other part of the building. The mean, popular cheeky, drop dead gorgeous, sarcastic bad boy of the school.

"Someone like me? What are you trying to say?" I snap in disgust.
"Well someone who - I don't know, I don't know you that much do I?" He snaps back. I hear the sound of high heels coming from behind me. I turn around to see Lindsay stood with us, her arm leaning on Cameron's shoulder.
"Erm Cameron what are you doing? Why are you talking to her?" She says looking me up in down as if I was Primark and she was Gucci and Prada. Well it's actually true because I do wear some Primark clothes and she does wear designer clothes but that's because she's rich and my auntie sends over clothes from England.

"Funny enough 'her' has a name," I say giving her the same look that she gave to me. She gives me a look of disgust and turns to Cameron,
"Come on babe, let's go. Let's leave this toe rag be."
"Oh you do that, you'd be doing me a favour," I say rolling my eyes and closing my locker before walking away.

I sit in my tree and put my hands through my hair in an order to comfort myself. The bell rings. Great. So I've missed lunch and now it's time for biology.

I stare at the clock impatiently. I block out everyone in the classroom whispering and the only noise I can hear is my stomach growling. We only have five minutes left of the lesson and it's dragging on!
"Sir, please may I go to the toilet?" I ask loudly. He rolls his eyes and frowns. I plead,
"Please. I'm desperate!"
"Ok, you may as well take your bag with you then because the bell will go soon for end of the day." I nod my head and try not too look too pleased because then he won't let me. I grab my backpack and strut past Cameron's desk and out into the corridor. I sprint out of the building and jump on my bike. I cycle quickly home.

"Dinner!" Mom shouts from downstairs. I rush downstairs and breathe in the smell of soup. Soup? So I've been starving all day and I've got soup to fill me up?

I stare at the soup and sigh a little but try not to make it noticeable. I slide in my chair and pick up the spoon, not taking my eyes off the soup.
"What's wrong? You like tomato soup," mom says staring at me.
"I know I never said I didn't."
"So why are you looking at it weirdly?" I shrug my shoulders and start slurping the soup and dipping my bread into it whilst my family have a conversation which I exclude myself from. Suddenly I find myself listening as mom says,
"Your mother and I have decided to go away for our wedding anniversary," dad begins. Mom interrupts,
"It'll also be nice for you two to do some bonding together. Seeing as it's October half term next week you can do stuff together." Kylie looks interestingly at mom and she has a huge grin across her face. She's planning something..

I sit in my room reading the book 'Divergent' again. It never gets old or uninteresting. A knock is at my door.
"Come in," I call. The door bursts open and Kylie comes in and shuts it quietly behind her and she sits down on the end of my bed. She still has the exact same grin on her face as she did at the dinner table. I frown with a look of confusion on my face and she says,
"So mom and dad are going away.."
"Yeah apparently so," I say putting my book down on my bedside table knowing they Kylie has a plan to explain, and I think I know what's coming...

"So do you think it's a good idea?" She finishes. I don't really get a say because she's already walked out my room leaving me sitting there staring where she was sat and thinking to myself, 'is it a good idea?'

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