Chapter 9 - Preparing

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I yawn as I stretch my body in my bed. I look at my new white curtains and I don't see bright sun light shining through them. I get out of bed and turn on my radiator seeing as it's quite cold. I open the curtains revealing the view of the curb, half our garden and half the road. It looks more like late afternoon early evening, than morning to me!

I knock on Kylie's bedroom door and then walk in. She sits up in bed whilst texting on her phone, so is Sierra.
"Did you just wake up?" Kylie laughs. I nod my head and she laughs,
"Same." I glance over at the clock and see that it's five o'clock in the evening. I tell the girls and they gasp jumping out of bed. Kylie runs downstairs and starts cooking bacon and egg whilst I make juices and Sierra gets out plate and bread.

Once we've gulped down our food we run upstairs and start brushing our teeth because we want to be fresh. I scoot the girls out and then strip down to my body suit. I hop in the shower, wet my hair, shave my armpits (seeing as I'm going to be wearing a bra-let), shampoo my hair and then condition it. I hop out and see that I've only been ten minutes. I go into my bedroom and dry my silky long black hair whilst brushing it.

Kylie calls me to go into her room. I put on my baby blue coloured fluffy dressing gown and tie it before going into her room.
"I'll do your makeup," she says. She starts doing my make-up as music plays from her iPod docking station.

She stands back and her face glows with proudness as what she has achieved. She hands me a mirror and I take a look at my reflection. I gasp to myself, 'surely this isn't me'. My eyes are dark but not heavy, my lips are a shocking pink like the same colour as my bra-let I bought, and my cheekbones are standing out sharp; I look amazing. Kylie has transformed me to the ugly looking teen I was to a new fresh pretty me; she's discovered my hidden beauty and bought it out.

She tells me to put my glasses away so I do. I can see perfectly fine without them, but just not for reading.

I put on my new party outfit and then look through my new shoes trying to decide which ones to wear. I end up wearing my new white converse.

I hear two voices then giggling coming up the stairs. The voices get louder and louder until I recognise them. It's Rachel and Joanna, also known as Rach or Rachie and Jo.

"Alana come here and get a photo!" Kylie calls from the kitchen. I take one last look in the the mirror before going downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and all of the girls jaws drop.
"Is that Alana?" Rachel whispers to Kylie. Kylie nods her head with triumph to Rachel. I stand next to Kylie and Sierra whilst Rachel takes a photo of us together. She hands back Kylie's phone and then my phone beeps. I iron the text immediately seeing as it's from Cameron,
"People started arriving yet?" I text back,
"Yes." I soon as I send it Kylie passes me a shot. I stare at it and then watch her knock hers back. I knock mine back too, following her example.

Nerves have began to fit me hard because of all the people that are going to be here. But because they're Kylie's friends I want and need to make a good impression. I want to show Kylie that she didn't just transformation me for nothing, and I want to impress her too. I want to impress Cameron the most though because then it goes straight back to people at school.

There's a knock at the door. I go open it and Cameron stands there. He steps back and checks me out then glares at my face.
"Woah. You scrubbed up well I guess," he says trying to shrug off his compliment. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt; he looks so hot!
"Thanks I guess," I say mimicking him and he laughs and walks in the house. We walk into the kitchen and Jo hands him a can of larger and hands me a bottle of blue WKD. Cameron and I stand next to each other whilst Sierra takes a photo on my phone.
"Post it on Instagram, it's a decent photo," Cameron says to me looking at the photo. I go onto Instagram straight away and post the photo on with the caption, "Pre Drinks with @camerondallas".

We go into the lounge and Kylie cranks the music high as the door bell rings. Suddenly a huge group of people join us in the lounge. More and more people are coming by the minute..

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