Chapter 23 -Girly Day with Yet More Warnings

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I swing open the front door and step inside as the door slowly shuts behind me. I'm home alone, parents are at work and Kylie is with her friends. I pull my backpack straps off from my shoulders, and throw it onto the sofa. I kick off my white converse making a loud thud as each shoe hits the floor. I switch on the TV and put on the music channel. I start cranking up the volume but before it gets really loud there's a knock at the door. I turn throw the remote on the sofa by backpack and run to open the door. I fling it open and Katie stands there with Swedish Fish, a tub of strawberries and a bar of Galaxy chocolate. She holds it up and says,
"Can I come in?" I chuckle a bit and open the door wider hinting for her to come in. She does and she makes her way to the kitchen straight away. She opens the cupboard and pulls out a bowl. She breaks the chocolate into the bowl and puts it in the microwave for ten seconds. I lean in the kitchen doorframe as I watch her mix the soft chocolate so turns into liquidised chocolate. She then opens the tub of strawberries and begins dipping them into the bowl of liquidised chocolate. She looks at me and says,
"You gonna get a tray to put them on or you just gonna watch? Because if you're just watching then you're not aloud any." I laugh and roll my eyes as I uncross my arms and take out a tray. I help her dip strawberries in and place them on the tray. Once we've used the whole tub we put the tray in the fridge so they chocolate can go hard again around the strawberries. We both stick our fingers in the bowl of left over chocolate and we scrape the rest of it on our fingers and sucking our fingers after.

I return to the lounge and crank up the music extremely high that you can feel the music going through your blood. Instead of your heart pumping the blood it's the music instead.

We dance along to bipolar music. We go from listening to Halo by Beyoncé to Drunk In Love Remix by The Weekend, to Money and the Power by Kid Ink to now, Only by Nicki Minaj.

Instead of singing along we more or less shout and scream the lyrics from our hearts as we stare at each other and try to make the most relatable dance move to each line or word we can.

"Had to show bitches where the top is, ring finger where the rock is!" Katie and I shout in sync as we flash our hands to each other by waving them km each other's faces.

Once the song is finished we turn off the music and head over to the kitchen to go get the strawberries out the fridge. Katie pours herself and I, a glass of Strawberry milkshake fresh out from the fridge.

We sit down at the island, opposite each other. We both slurp on our milkshakes at the same time and pull away at the same time making us both giggle. Katie stirs her straw around in her drink and stares at it as she speaks,
"We haven't really spoke much have we?" This isn't a question to answer. This is more stating a fact but trying to make sound as if it was a question and using the same tone of voice as if you were asking. It's a rhetorical question.

"So what have you been doing lately? Since you haven't been around?" She says dull and no tone to her voice but an almost crack in her voice. She continues staring at her milkshake and watching herself stir it with her straw.
"Just been hanging about really. You?" I say casually not knowing quite sure whether to explain what I have actually been doing or just keeping it between the people that have been there.
"I'm not the one who hasn't been around, but same. Been sat in our tree a lot," she says with her eyes watery. She looks up and our eyes lock. Her eyes pierce through me, making me want to look away. My eyes sting and water by looking at her glistening eyes.
I look down at my feet whilst biting my lip hard as if I'm punishing myself for not spending time with her.

We sit in my room, both on my bed. I'm on my phone texting Cameron and she's watching me. She's watching me. I notice and then put my phone down and smile at her happily waiting for her to speak.
"Messaging him?" She says oddly staring at my phone on my lap. I nod my head and bite my tongue.
"Why won't you listen to me Al? He is nothing but trouble." She says emphasising on some words making her sound hurt.
"Whats wrong with him? Why are you so... against him?" I say, snapping at the end of my sentence. She looks down and plays with her fingers.
"Why won't you tell me?" I say almost repeating myself. I watch her as her blonde hair falls forward and her blue eyes glisten like the ocean again.
"Just stay away from him Alana. He's going to hurt you." Her voice breaks again and I can hear her gulping, trying not to cry. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and tucks her blonde beach waves behind her ears.
"I... I can't..." I sigh. And it's true. I can't stay away. It's like he's a drug and I'm addicted. When I'm with him I feel so happy and I only seem to see him. He's the most important thing. He's the one that draws my attention. He soaks up my attention and sucks me into his fly trap. He's a drug and I'm addicted, I'm high on him.
"Bad boy but good lips. I know," she says nodding her head and opening her eyes slowly. She locks eye contact with me and says,
"Lips like the inside of a rose. I know."

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