11 A.M.

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I pulled into the first empty space I could find in fear that I wouldn't be able to find another one in the cramped parking lot. The amusement park was always pack at this time of day, especially since it was the middle of summer and they featured a waterpark.

"Wren, look!" My little sister Blair cried and pointed to a towering rollercoaster. I shuddered at the thought of being at the top of that metal death trap.

"Maybe not that one," I smiled nervously.

"Oh, come on," She snorted. "Put your big boy pants on."

"I like my ninja turtle swim trunks," I growled, "thank you very much."

My two best friends, Cody and Grant, unloaded my rusted truck and Grant carried Blair on his shoulders.

When we finally made it through the inspection lines and got our season passes scanned, we darted off to the rollercoasters. I wasn't as enthusiastic about the taller ones, but I did love some loops.

We were wandering around in search of a shorter line when I spotted her. She was in line for the rollercoaster that Blair had pointed out when we first got here. She was so short that I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't let her on any rides. Her dark redish brown hair was haphazardly tied in a knot at the nape of her neck and her bangs and fringe framed her heart shaped face. She was laughing at something her taller black haired friend had said.

"Let's ride that one," I said as I tugged on Cody's sleeve to get his attention.

"The Devil's Peak?" He snorted. "Are you sure you're okay with that dude? It's the tallest and fastest ride in the whole park."

"I'm sure," I nodded, not taking my eyes off the small girl. I drifted towards the line and was very pleased to find that there was only one small family separating us from her. I listened closely to the conversation between the tiny girl and her companion.

"Berkley, this is ridiculous," the black haired girl frowned.

"Oh come on Nadia!" Berkley squealed excitedly. "They say it's the best ride here!"

"But it's so... big!" Nadia cried.

Berkley... what a pretty name.

"Earth to Wren," Blair snapped.

"Huh?" I asked, turning away from the girls.

"Stop drooling or they'll notice," Blair said with a roll of her eyes.

"The tall one is hot," Cody smirked.

I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him. "You have to be my wing man. I have to talk to the short one."

"I'm down," He shrugged. "But we'll have to wait until we get off this ride. We can't cut in line. You remember what happened last time."

"Then we'll wait if we have to," I sighed. Thirty minutes later, the ten year old boy in front of us started to cry.

"I don't want to ride it anymore!" He bawled as the screams from the riders became clearer.

"Are you sure?" His mother frowned. The boy sniffled and nodded. She cast a look to her husband, who just shrugged and pointed to a ball toss. Then, as if it was a miracle, there was no longer anyone separating me from Berkley.

Amuse Me 》A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now