1 P.M.

80 6 2

I had to let go of Berkley's hand so I didn't hurt her. We slowly climbed towards the peak and I gripped the bars in front of me tightly. I was determined not to scream because of the deal we'd struck, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out for.

We reached the top and Berkley grinned over at me.

"Think you can do it?" She laughed. "Our engagement is on the line."

"I'm fine," I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Whatever you say," She smirked. I took a deep breath as I felt our cart hit the peak and start to teeter downwards. Wind rushed past my face and my eyes flew open to see us plunging down into a cave. To my extreme displeasure, I let out a shout. I heard Berkley laugh sharply beside me but I ignored it and focused on getting through the rest of the ride.

When we got back to the landing and I staggered off the ride, I kicked the cubbies that'd been provided to hold your belongings.

"Mother f-," I shouted but Berkley cut me off by smacking me lightly.

"There are children present, mister," She snapped, but failed to wipe the grin off her face.

"Looks like our engagements off," She laughed. "It's a shame too. You're cute."

"Don't be like that!" I pleaded. "Give me another chance. We can go on the tea cups or something!"

"Sorry buddy, I don't believe in second chances," She smiled.

"Then you'll just have to ride all the rides with me. Wouldn't want to risk a second chance of us meeting up, would you? I don't want to crush your ideals."

"You're one odd guy, Wren," Berkley laughed.

"I'm just simply looking out for you," I grinned, "but thanks anyway."

"Well," She sighed, "since it looks like I'm stuck with you for the rest of the day, I pick next ride."

"But you picked this one!" I protested.

"Wouldn't want to risk our possible re-engagement, now would we?"

Amuse Me 》A Short StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon