Chapter 2 - First Friend

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Chapter 2 - First Friend

Michael sighed and glitches off appearing beside me and grabbed my hand and started to make me run another way.

I gasped and he pulled me and I looked over at him and then at the guards who was chasing me. Michael took me through the kingdom village until he quickly took a sharp corner into an alleyway.

We ran down it to a dead end, and he said "Go over that wall, and follow the forest trail, it will take you to a clearing, stop when you get to the clearing" Michael told me.

"But what about you?!" I asked him in a shaky tone.

"I'll be there in a minute ok?" I smiled a little and ran off doing what I was told for the first time.

I ran into the forest and I followed the path.

Once I got to the clearing I paused from how beautiful it was. It was a meadow, loads of flowers, and there was a loads of trees around the age of the meadow. I walked over to a tree which looked nicely shades and sat underneath it.

Michael glitched beside me and said "It's beautiful isn't it?"

He walked over to a tree which had a hole in it, I turn my head to the side and followed him, the tree was big and the trunk of the tree was all twisted all the way up and the leaves were a red greeny colour. More like a fairy tree I thought to myself.

I climbed into the tree following Michael, there was stairs going down which led underground. I frowned finding it fascinating because this is my first time out in the demon world.

As I followed Michael down the stairs we entered into a room, there was a bunker bed on the side with a record player.

"What... is this?" I asked walks over to the record player.

"It's a record player, it plays music. Beautiful sounds!" Michael said sweetly and put on one of his cd's which was a violin playing with a piano. Classical music.

Michael gently took my hand and spinned me around, I bit my lip not knowing how to dance.

"Um, I don't know how to dance" I said to Michael and looked down.

"Oh? Well I can teach you" I looked up as Michael said that to me and I nodded happily.

Me and Michael ended up dancing the night away once I knew how to dance; dancing was fun, the way my hair moved as we danced and turned. It was wonderful.

When the time came up to Midnight we stop dancing since we both were getting tired. I flopped down on the bed and Michael flopped down next to me. We smiled at each other.

I rested my head on Michael's chest as he wrapped his arm around me. Me softly kissed my head and I blushed, I looked up at him and he smiled warmly.

"Promise me that you will always be there for me?" I said to Michael in a cute innocent tone.

He smiled more and nodded and said "Yes, I will be by your side until the very end"

When Michael said that I smiled happily, I never felt like this before. It was a nice feeling.

I closed my eyes as he kept me close to him, and I slowly started to fall asleep peacefully cuddled into him, hugging him like how any 5 year old would hug a teddy.


I woke up in the morning realizing that Michael wasn't in the room. I yawned and frowned as I sat up. I turned my head seeing that he is nowhere room the room.

I shivered since there is no heating, I heard someone coming up the stairs, I looked over to see Michael with food and a blanket in his arms. I smiled happily as he walked over to me and sat next to me as he wrapped a blanket around me.

I giggled softly as he handed me some bread, I took it and nibbled on the bread cutely which made my eyes look big.

Someone knocked on the door and Michael frowned since no one in the demon world knew where this place is, except me and Michael.

He got up and walked down the stairs with caution and he looked at the door for a few seconds until someone knocked on the door ageing.

Michael quickly whipped open the door and looked at her realizing that she is my sister.

"How. Did you find her... us..?" Michael asked

"I use my sense, I can sense where people are" Jade told Michael, he nodded and took her up the stairs, I paused when I saw my sister.

How.. How did she find us? Michael said that no one knew this place. Well I guess she could've used her sense.

"You need to come home Jane to en-" As my sister Jade was talking, I quickly interrupted and said "I am not going back there!" I shouted at them.

"Jane... You need to end our parents!" Jade said in a fed up tone.

I froze as she said that and thought, what? She wants me to kill our mum and dad? Well, you know maybe killing them isn't that bad of a good idea really, I mean like, I will be free. I can do whatever I want then.

I sighed and got up putting the blanket on the bed and I looked down to my sister,

"Alright, I'll kill them" I said to my sister and Michael froze and looked at me.

"But Jane! Their your mum and dad.. They are the King and Queen! Your parents! If you kill them, then that would make you Queen!" Michael called out to me.

I sighed and walked down the stairs and Michael followed me.

"I am coming with you! I am not leaving you in harm!" Michael said to me sternly.

I looked at him and looked down knowing that I have no choice to. I ran out of the tree and glitches to the castle.

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