Chapter 21 - Who is BB?

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Chapter 21 - Who is BB?

BB Pov~
"Why... Why did you let them escape?! You lot are bloody useless at times!" I shouted and kicking a chair over onto it's side.

The guards looked down at the ground feeling guilty and slightly scared of my anger and I smirked as I looked at them seeing their date and time of their death.

"Find me, Elizabeth Vick." I chuckled and the guards paused; "The Vick family have been the Arkansaw greatest enemy until her father made peace with their kingdoms and to never cross each-other's path, but since her father is dead well... " I began to laugh like a mad man again.

I smirked evilly and darkly as I laughed and mutters; "And maybe we could get the trackers involved..." I walked out of the main room as the guards walked down the corridor door to do my dirty deeds.

I walked into my room and stood by the balcony and smirked; "You maybe Comely and such a wagtail! Oh don't worry my darling I will make everyone see who you are truly are my comely handsome Jane..."

Jane's pov~

I sighed and stared at the ceiling in my at the estate, I just let my mind wander with thoughts of what Mello was telling me about BB.

BB can see when people die... that's not human but he senses seems human... I thought to myself and sat up.

I shivered a little starting to get a bit of a chill, I got up and slowly walked over to my window and noticed it was snowing. The snow clouds were a soft fluffy gray; the snow began to set on the ground and on the trees. I looked over towards the tree which me and Finny decorated and the tree started to look so much better with the snow settling on the tree.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and I looked over; "It's Open!" I shouted over to the door, the door slowly opened and I saw Finny smiling with his hands behind his back.

"Jane! It's snowing! Wanna come out and play!" Finny asked, his voice filled up with excitement.

"Maybe later" I replied and looked back out the window; Finny sighed and walked over to me and stood beside me as he joined me watching the snow settle on the ground.

Finny picked up a blanket from the chair beside him and gently wrapped it around my shoulders, I looked down at him and he smiled a little and I smiled back and wrapped the blanket around me even more.

"It's beautiful aint it? The snow looks so pale... the color of blood looks so wonderful on snow..." I looked back at Finny and he gently hugged me and his head rested against my chest and I slowly wrapped my arm around him softly.

"I heard that someone has took over your kingdom... Do you know who it is?" Finny looked up at me and I sighed.

"BB... he is a rotten human being, but apparently he can see our time of death which I find really weird. I need to find out more about this but how?" I frowned at the window letting my mind wander again.

"Wait! Maybe Nanda knows! If we have her phone number we could call her up and see if she could give us some answers! I mean she is a wise ol' lady!" Finny smiled and I nodded back since he is correct.

"I'm going to go to her house and visit her, I know where she lives..." I took the blanket off of me and I slipped on my parka coat and wrapped a scarf around my mouth and neck.

Finny nodded and I smiled at him before walking out of my room, I walked down the corridor and made my way out of the estate and down towards the demon world.

I looked down at the grass noticing that it had snowed, the weather here is just like how it is in the human world; here the snow is a light fluffy gray and the sky was a dark blue.

The Tale of Janet Arkinsaw (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now