meeting the other one

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Tom's POV:

After getting home, I ate dinner and began to practice my smile, I instantly realised that this is going to be difficult. I tried for 30 mins, during this time I made the scariest faces people may see, but in the end I actually managed to learn how to smile, it wasn't a lot but it was a start although I still couldn't laugh. 

Time skip to morning:

I woke up at 5am to start my workout, when I finished I realised that this was still pretty easy so I put a reminder in my head to buy wearable weights, but for now these exercises will have to suffice. I start eating breakfast then get ready for school, once I arrive I head to the architecture department to have small talks with the burn knuckles. We talked about trivial things, he asked me how was my first day at school, I told him that it was alright nothing special, I also told him about my encounter with Zack and about how I saved little Daniel (Vasco doesn't know about little daniel yet so he thinks that mc saved a normal person), he was angry and happy and the same time. He wanted to go to our class and beat the shit out of Zack but when I told him that I could now smile he stopped his little fit, and we had a small celebration (mc and the burn knuckles). Although when I showed him my smile he started crying, I was confused and asked why he was crying and he told me that when you smile you get handsome and that he hates handsome guys, I just stared at him with a deadpan expression while on the inside I was dying of laughter. 

Then I remembered that on the second day Zack and Daniel will get into a fight, so I quickly excused myself saying that class will start soon. and while I didn't run, I arrived quickly because of my big steps, I push through the crowd that was watching from outside the class. When I open the door, I see that the fight had already started, the two of them didn't notice me but the others did, so they just get a bit further away from the scene a little scared but interested in how the situation would evolve. I walk towards the two, I see that Daniel was still dodging Zack's punches, I catch the boxer's (Zack) hand and give him the same glare as yesterday, I look at him dead in the eyes and say:

"Hello Zack, don't you remember what I told you yesterday, didn't I tell you that I hate bullies?", hearing that zack widen his eyes and quickly tries to get away from me, but I held his fist firmly so he couldn't escape.

"For your final lesson I'll have to teach you a little something , because I know that after today you'll stop this nonsense", I then throw a mean punch towards his abdomen, and he flies at the wall behind him, I can see a change in his eyes before he lost consciousness. With that his lackeys take him to the nurses' office while I turn to the rest of the class and bow:

"I'm sorry you had to witness this scene I just had to teach little Zack a lesson", I then flash them a smile. I can see that most of the boys are looking at me in admiration while some of the girls are blushing. 

Also during our classes I didn't realise that I attracted the attention of some of our other classmates on the other department (Vin Jin and Eli Jang) because of the fight that happened earlier. In addition to that, Vasco was proud of me because and I quote: "he is purging the evil in this school and it's only his second day here, I'm so proud of my friend".

When we finished school today more people were inclined to talk to me since I showed them that I'm not an evil tyrant. I went home after saying goodbye to Jay and Daniel, and since I read the webtoon I can understand what Jay is saying so that makes things easier. 

I went home and did my homework, when I finished I ate dinner and checked my investments I had gained from the 2500$ that I put in the stock market, a total of 2000$ in profit. As soon as I saw that I was happy, I mean who wouldn't, but I know that I need a lot more so I made a plan to start a flipping business (explanation for flipping business: purchasing an asset with a short holding period with the intent of selling it for a quick profit rather than holding on for long-term appreciation). I would go flip items after school, since in my old life I had already finished high school (mc was in college when he was murdered) I can easily finish my homework. I only need 6 hours of sleep every day and I wake up at 5am, so I can sleep at 11pm. Furthermore, my school work will only need 30 mins to 1 hour, so I should have a couple of hours after school to proceed with my business. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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