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"What are you doing here, I've never seen YOU around?." They asked the fox. 

"OH!- ah- uh.. I'm uh-.. Crazy Redd! I'm a.. uh, traveling seller! I sell artwork such as..- statues, paintings, all that stuff, and furniture, Welcome to my little shop!

                                                                  .                   .                  .

                                               *They look around the small shady boat* 

I guess.. might as well buy something?, They thought.

"Well, what's for sale?" They asked, now embarrassed.

"I thought you'd never ask! I just got this statue yesterday, but there's paintings in the other section! Just ask and I'll tell.

They thought, maybe this fox isn't SO bad..

They were checking out a few paintings, when they noticed something  that-

"Oh! I forgot to tell a very important rule- only one art piece a day! and no refunds.."

The fox seemed to quiet down at the last sentence, they didn't seem to mind though.

"And hey, you know what? I'll give you a cousins discount cause you're like family already!"           The fox said joyfully.


 They said a bit confused. "Also, I think there's a smudge on this painting.."                        

 "Oh, I didn't know.. I'll clean it right up- ohalsocouldyouleave? I-uh.. need to clean up.."                   

                           The fox seemed flustered, and quickly rushed out the confused person.                                                      The fox let out a breath he had been holding in, 

                                                    "I REally can't let that happen again.."

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