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Your faith is a river
It runs down a carved out line
When the water gets thinner
You have a new route to find


Flames and fire erupted over their heads. The crash and sizzle of spells blasted behind them. Horrible screams echoed through the glorious city as the elven tribe fled down the streets, defenders being picked off one by one. Noralor flinched and covered her ears as more and more of the attackers burst through the walls. They all wore dark cloaks, wielding various weapons and magic.

Kaydrian stopped when a particularly close spell had knocked into the nearby building. The apothecary crumbling in on itself from the hit. Noralor mourned the little shop, picturing Thia's sad face when she saw her destroyed home and life's work. She looked to her brother who was shaking with fear, his hands wrapping around his arms in attempt to calm the tremors. Noralor was suddenly reminded by the few years that made Kaydrian younger than her. He was always so wise she sometimes forgot that he was practically a child. Noralor wrapped her arms around him, pulling her stepbrother in close so she could shield his body with hers.

"It'll be okay," Noralor said into his ear, holding him tight. "We just have to keep moving." She hoped that he didn't note how her voice shook and cracked with fear.

The half-elf pushed him forward, guiding him into a run as they stayed off to the side, dodging the toppling crates and statues. The group seemed to be small enough, maybe composed of about fifteen to twenty members, but they were obviously skilled in fighting, breaking through the shields the clerics and paladins tried to put up.

We have spent years perfecting our magic and we didn't think to improve our defence a little more. Noralor thought wildly as she looked up, her gaze locking in on the waterfalls up ahead. Please let us make it.

Kaydrian stumbled a bit, letting out a fearful cry but Noralor pulled him back up.

"We're almost there," Noralor told him, her nails biting into his skin. He held onto to her just as tight. "Don't worry, I'm right here." That was one reassurance in this situation. Despite how terrifying it was she had someone beside her.

Kaydrian nodded, gently touching the braid on her head before he turned and pulled her forward, following the group of elves gathering around the falls. From the looks of it they were attempting to get through the wall around the city, some of the stronger elves were leading others to move some of the large boulders tucked behind the waterfall. An emergency exit, Noralor realized.

"Noralor! Kaydrian!" The two turned to see Theren coming briskly towards them. He pulled them both close, pressing his forehead to there's for a beat. "You're okay." He whispered.

"What's going on?" Kaydrian exclaimed. "Who are they?"

"I-" Theren pulled back and sighed. "I don't know. But they are not here with good intentions."

"Where's Valthya?" Noralor chimed in, scanning for her stepmother.

Theren pointed to a small cluster of elves crouched by the pool under the falls. Noralor could see Thia there, whispering reassurances to one of the younger elves as she cast a healing spell. "She's right in the back. She twisted her ankle but should be okay."

Noralor's eyes scanner the area, noting that there was definitely far less elves than there were in their tribe. A pit of dread formed in her stomach. "Father..." she said slowly. "Where is everyone else?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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