A Battle Between Me Myself And I

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Hello, lovelies <3 this is my first creepypasta story 😨. Yet I'm excited to write it :)
!!TW:Intrusive thoughts, self-blame?, Self-harm mentions!!
A good playlist to listen to while reading this story!
Toby let his brown hair get damp in the rain falling heavily as he sat on the steps of the cabin porch. Inside the small cabin, Masky and Hoodie were asleep and Toby was bored so he came outside. letting out a shaky breath through the mask that was dark gray, with a light gray striped area looking as if it was a smile. The curls in his hair dripped small water drops as he stared into space. Toby blinked as he signed back in, hearing someone walking around in the cabin.

Toby stood up and walked up the creaky old stairs. His hair fell in front of his face. To the point, he kept having to push it out of his eyes. Walking inside he saw Masky sitting on the old red velvety couch. Masky turned to him slightly and huffed shaking his head.

"Tobias is pouring fuckin rain and you're soaked!" Masky huffed out.

"Yeah, obviously I am." Toby snapped back.

"Just go get changed," Masky said, "then come talk to me."

Toby rolled his eyes before nodding his head and walking to the back of the cabin. Opening the door to his room with a bit of struggle, stepped onto the carpet, and took off his shoes. Toby shook off and took his hoodie off throwing it across the room. Soon followed his can't as he searched through his closet. Only to pull a green turtle neck sweater way too big for him. Carrying it to the bathroom across from his room he closed the door. Not daring to glance toward the mirror as he took off the mask.

Laying them on the sink Toby walked over to the bath and ran what he thought was warm water. Slipping his boxers off and stepping into the water. Which instantly warmed his body up a little bit, Toby zoned out staring at the rising water. When it got high enough he turned it off and laid back. Raising his hand he stared at the scars that trailed up to his arm. So many, some he didn't know he had some he self-inflicted.

He heard a whisper saying to do more and another saying he deserved all this. Toby closed his eyes with a small sigh. His head was spinning with too many thoughts going Toby wished he could shut off his brain. The water sloshed as he sat back up and grabbed shampoo, pouring it on his hand and scrubbing it onto the curly brown hair. Wishing the soap would leak into his eyes and turn him blind so he couldn't see the ugly scars. Maybe it'd clean the dirt in his mind and shut it off for him.

Sinking back into the water again and washing the soap out. Toby ran his fingers through his hair and felt tingles go through his hands. Weird feeling all around him as he sat up once again. Grabbing the conditioner and putting it in his hands, repeating what he did with the shampoo but letting it set in. Toby grabbed the body wash and began washing up. What if he just ended all right here.

Toby shook off and dipped back into the bath. Washing his hair out and rinsed his body off. After he was all rinsed off Toby drained the water and grabbed a towel. Stepping out and dried his body off, leaving his hair wet. Toby grabbed the green turtleneck sweater slipping it over his head. Realizing he forgot damn underwear he put his old boxers back on.

Stupid ass, looking up at the mirror he gulped. Bringing his hand up the scars along his cheeks and mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes but he just closed them. Quickly grabbing the mask and putting it on and hiding them. Ugly a voice whispered and he felt hot tears slip down his face glaring at himself. Why, did this always happen why couldn't he look normal?

Toby wanted the cut off all of his skin and replace it. He gulped tryna calm himself down letting out a soft breath. Why was he so stupid, why couldn't he look normal he asked again. It was so unfair to him he thought. What did he do to deserve all this? Toby asked questions over and over scratching at his arm.

Toby gulped again sighing and let out a shaky breath lip trembling. This wasn't fair, it just wasn't why he got treated differently was because of the scars, was all he could think of. Stupid scars, he sniffled. I hate them, they look so ugly. I look so ugly with them, Toby wiped his face sighing. Fucking hell, I have to see Masky now I guess.
Ending here<3

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