•You're not alone stay with me•

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Tw:Body shaming
3rd P.O.V

The brunette walked down the old creaky steps of the cabin off to find the masked man. He was never told why Masky wore a mask but knew about his problems. Toby did like Masky he was like a father too him. Although the boy never understood him, he walked through the house and ended up in the kitchen. Masky stood his mask on the side of his head a cigarette dangling from his lips. Toby rubbed his gloved hands in a ackward motion as they made "eye contact". Masky's dim brown eyes looked almost black in the lighting.

"I'm here sorry for the wait"Toby muttered head hanging low.

"Head up kid we have work to do."Masky voice came out in a low rumble.

Toby did as told and Masky put his cigarette between two fingers. Blowing out a deep gray smoke as his boot clanked against the floor when he walked. Masky had stopped infront of Toby and he put the cigarette back in his mouth. Then repeated what he did before but blew in Toby's face who coughed stepping back with a small twitch.

"Put something nice on you, me, and hoodie are going out tonight."Masky voice was darker more like a warning.

Toby nodded hesitantly trying not to make a snappy remark seeing Masky seemed upset. The brunette could smell alcohol on the other making his throat dry, forcing himself to turn around and run upstairs. What would look nice to Masky? He didnt have anything nice he looked horrible in anything. Toby shivered slightly and looked through his closet best thing the boy had was some black jeans and a blue sweater. Toby could make it work the baggy sweater with a white button up and the pants!

Yes, it'd cover his body and the scars too the boy thought with a smile. Some black converses too, Toby laid the outfit on his dresser taking off their mask. He took of the goggles looking in the mirror and gulped. Ugly scars.. such ugly things on his face. Toby had foundation to cover them though that'll have to work for now. Taking off the old clothes discarding them somewhere and getting dressed in the new ones.

Toby stared in the mirror he looked fine right? Yeah it'd work, he fixed his hair and sat down. Beginning to apply foundation to the scars and blend it with blush. To make it less suspicious he put on eyeliner, Toby added some cute accessory clips to his hair.

"Almost done,"The boy hummed out right as he got a knock."oh?, come in!"Toby called out.

Masky stepped in he was dressed nicely and didn't have the white mask on. He smiled at Toby who looked over and tilted his head.

"Let's get going shall we"The voice was another grumble.

Toby gave a nod and got up walking over. Masky left the dimly lit room as Toby slipped his shoes on. Making sure he had everything Toby turned the light off and walked out. With a click of his tounge he walked back down the old stairs. Hoodie was waiting at the door and waved.

"Good to see you Tobias"Hoodie said with a smile.

Toby nodded with a small smile as he walked past him out the old wooden cabin. It smelt like mildew outside the air filling his lungs, the cold breeze cooling his fiery felt skin. Toby closed his eyes for a moment to take in the feeling, reopening them and chasing after Masky. Hoodie closed the door with a small creek and clang following the two.

Toby seen a blaring light was this a club? Masky chuckled and patted Toby's shoulder who was still in shock. Hoodie gave a small shrug to the boy and followed Masky in. Toby seemed very reluctant but followed them inside. The music blared and lights flashed, that's when his tics acted up. He heard people whispering when they sat down.

"You see that boy"one whispered.

"The one with the blue sweater?"Another replied.

"Yes, yes that one, he seems a little skinny and thin like paper"They snickered with the other.

Toby ignored it but the words buzzed around in his head like an angry bee. Repeating like stuck on loop progressively getting louder than the music. Toby's head hurt like someone had banged it against the wall so he laid it down. Masky and Hoodie went off to get drunk and do couple things he guessed. No way they weren't dating he thought. Toby was lonely now Ofcourse but the boy didnt say anything.

Some people made commenta others didnt he felt the cushioned seat sink down a bit.

"Hello"A gravely voice spoke up.

The brunette jolted looking up in confusion. There sat a man with midnight black hair and blue eyes a mask covered his mouth. It would be rude to not reply but Toby didnt anyways staring at the mysterious man. Who didnt speak anything else but stared back at Toby.

"I'm Jeff"The voice announced to him softly.

"Toby."He replied back.

Jeff seemed to understand enough what he meant cause they nodded.

"Are you hungry?"Jeff asked in a louder voice.

"I'm not actully"Toby replied.

He noticed the mans skin was almost a milkey white very pale, with pink scars all over it. He was very pretty although very very pretty.

"Well that's a bummer I was gonna ask you to dinner"The other snickered out as a joke Toby presumed.

"Ah yes, but you could still ask"Toby replied with smile.

Toby liked this man he was kind but funny and had a nice voice. Well atleast that's what Toby thought, although Jeff was the opposite. Toby just caught his intrest and that meant he wouldnt kill him. Yet ofcourse the future would decide that.
Another cliffhanger piss
Bye strawberries <3

•I'm afraid this is the end•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz