2 - Prom at Seika High

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As Misaki made her way back to the student council room, work greeted her again.

Speaking of which...the prom festival was coming up soon. It was an event on a weekend night where students could dress up and dance. There would also be fireworks.

Misaki and the student council had planned the prom fest, but she hadn't thought of participating herself. Of course, she would help around backstage, just not to the dance. It was a waste of time to spend time on something like prom, anyway. Or so she thought...

"Hey, Yukimura!" She called the vice president, suddenly remembering something.

"Y-yes?" Yukimura stuttered. He looked very girly as a boy with bangs swooping softly on his forehead. Nevertheless, he was always obedient to Misaki.

"Can you carry those cardboard boxes for the prom fest into the storage room? Also, don't forget to label them alphabetically."

"O-okay," Yukimura stood up and carried the boxes only to realize how heavy they were. "U-um..can anyone lend a hand?" He asked other council members. However, they all seemed busy and no one answered him.

"Guess there's no helping it..." Misaki sighed and made her way toward Yukimura. She easily lifted 4 of the cardboard boxes at the same time, sprinting towards the storage room at lightning speed.

"P-president..." Yukimura was a little shocked at how strong she was. Not only was Misaki academically excellent, but she was also very athletic. She did aikido and won a few competitions.

"Leave it to me if it's too heavy then!" Misaki grinned while helping him carry more boxes. She dashed away with a sparkling aura.

"T-thank you so much, president!" Yukimura was grateful.

"No problem!" She had already come back, clapping her hands together and shaking off the dust.

As she returned to her desk, she saw Usui sitting on his table while licking a lollipop. The pervert was back...

"U-Usui? Why are you here?" Misaki shouted angrily.

"To see you of course," Usui smirked while chewing on candy.

"NO EATING IN THE STUDENT COUNCIL ROOM! I'm confiscating that!" She took the pink lollipop out of his mouth.

Usui was known as the 'prince' in school because of how good-looking he was. Not only was he smart, but also very athletic. He was the only one that could talk equally to the president after all.

He was also one of the 'princes' in school because of how handsome he was. He was always swarmed with girls because of his looks. Not only was Usui smart, but he also was athletic.

"Stop sitting on the table, would you?" Misaki groaned.

"But this way, I can see your cute face better," Usui teased playfully. "Also, are you interested in going to prom with me?" His eyes sparkled like a cute puppy.

"OF COURSE NOT, PERVERTED ALIEN!!" Misaki glared at him sharply, anger stirring in her body. With one hand, she sent Usui flying out of the student council room, tossing him in the air. Gosh...why did Usui have to bring up prom of all things?

"Ouchie! Prez, do you really have to be that hard on me?" Usui scratched his head as he landed somewhere out of the window.

"This should suffice that pervert Usui for now," Misaki sighed. "Now, I just need to finish these reports for the next school festival..." She made her way back to the desk.

The sun was already setting. After all of this, they had made some progress today in the student council meeting despite the troubles.

"Guys, good work today!" Misaki beamed. "You guys can head home now!" She quickly grabbed her bag and headed out.

It was time for her part-time job after this...

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