4 - Maid Cafe

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"Welcome back, master!" Misaki twirled in her signature pose in a maid outfit, welcoming the customer. It was a black and white skirt with wired laces.

Today in the maid latte cafe was cat ears day. The maids had to wear cat ears when treating customers' food. It was a fun tradition but it was humiliating for Misaki. Dressing up in a maid with cat ears and serving customers? Absolutely out of her character! However, she had no choice since this was the only part-time job that had good wages and allowed employees as young as high school students.

Misaki would swear to take the secret of working as a maid to her grave. Just imagine what would happen if people in school found out that the demon president worked as a maid! She would lose her respect immediately.

"Meow!" She posed with her hand like a paw. "What would you like to eat today, master? I recommend the lovey-dovey omelet rice and the sweetheart strawberry shake!"

The customer was already flustered with her beauty. Long smooth thighs under her skirt...perfect proportions...cute cat ears...it was really a dream!

"I-I would like the omelet r-rice then..." He stuttered.

"Very well, master!" She smiled sweetly. Ah...but all of this was only for the sake of her job. It was utterly humiliating.

Suddenly, the cafe door opened, signaling another customer.

"Meow! Welcome back, master!" Misaki made her way to greet the customer, only to see Usui standing in front of the door.

"Prez is a cat today, how cute!" He snickered.

"U-Usui...what are you doing here?" She was flustered to have to do the cat pose in front of him.

"As a customer in Maid Latte of course," He grinned. "So, prez? Going to show me your best 'meow'?"

Misaki took a deep breath to endure her anger. For the sake of this job...just for the sake of this job...

"Please take a seat, master! Nya!" She posed with her hand shaped like a paw. "What would you like to eat today, master? Misa would recommend the lovey-dovey omelet rice and the sweetheart strawberry shake!"

"Meow-saki would definitely make a good nickname," Usui teased.

"My name is Misa here, not Misaki! Meow!" She continued to act like he was just any customer.

"Fine...then Misa-chan, I would like an omelet rice with ketchup writing that says 'I love you' on it."

"V-very well, master!" Her expression twitched, trying hard to keep up a smile.


It was break time on her shift. Misaki sat in the staff room, mentally exhausted from what she had to put up with.

"Misa-chan, who was that blonde hot guy customer you were serving?" Satsuki asked. Satsuki was the manager of the maid cafe. She also worked as a maid at the same time.

"Ah, he's Usui..." She responded tiredly.

"I think he's in love with you! He kept staring at you the whole time! And he's a regular customer isn't he?" Satsuki squealed in her daydreams, flowers surrounding her aura.

Satsuki was a very kind manager and maid. She always understood Misa's economic situation and told her to not overwork herself. Not only was she light-hearted with a happy spirit, but she was also very passionate about working as a maid.

"No, he's a perverted alien," Misaki sighed at the thought of Usui.

"Is he your boyfriend? He's so cute! He clearly loves you!" Satsuki ignored her and continued shipping her with Usui. A flowery sparkling aura surrounded her.

"Does Misa have a boyfriend?" Aoi-chan slipped into the conversation in the staff room.

Aoi was the manager's niece. He was a boy that liked cute things and often cross-dressed as a girl. He was good at fashion and was a famous girl net idol. This time, he was wearing a puffy one-piece dress and a wig.

"Aoi! What are you doing here? Did my brother kick you out again?"

"Yeah, but I'm independent!" He crossed his arms and huffed arrogantly.

"You can't do that, you're still too young to work here!" Satsuki protested.

Aoi was still in middle school, not meeting the age requirements to work at Maid latte. Because of his desire to like girly things as a boy, he was often made fun of.

"Anyway, does Misaki have a boyfriend? That's what I want to know," He made his way towards her.

"No I don't," she replied instantly. Where was he getting these weird ideas from? Was he talking about Usui?

"Just admit it, I've seen you walk home with that Usui you've been talking about."


It was true though. Ever since Usui found out that Misaki worked in a maid cafe, he had always followed her home like a stalker. He said that it was 'dangerous for girls to walk out at night'. Maybe he was just being too overprotective.

"That idiot Usui is just a stalker," Misaki complained.

"Mmm...I sympathize with him a little after hearing you say that..." Aoi mumbled.

Shortly, the break time ended and it was time for Misaki to go back to her job again. Satsuki joined her as well. Misaki served a few more customers and successfully wrote 'I love you' with ketchup on Usui's omelet rice. She was trying hard not to flinch, however.

Even though she didn't want anyone to find out that she was a maid, she secretly enjoyed the job. The manager was caring and it was heartwarming looking at the smiles of the customers. Maid Latte entertained the guests happily after all.

"Good work today!" Satsuki cheered with a few other maid servers.

"Thank you as always, manager!" Misaki bowed with gratitude.

"Take care, everyone!"

And just like that — another day working at the maid cafe was over. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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