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Jeni finally arrived back home and told her grandparents about getting another job.

Jeni to them: Grandma, grandpa your granddaughter is back!!

her grandpa then replied.

Grandpa(Kang-Dae is his name): So darling, did you..... You know.... Found another job?

Jeni then showed her happiness to them then replied.

Jeni to them: Yes I found one! But I will work in a house as a maid and I will be interviewed first,*smiles*.

Grandpa smiled and said.

Grandpa: You're gonna be a maid?

Jeni smiled and jumped then replied.

Jeni to them: Yes!! Coz they need a new one and the owner of the house is the owner of Lori's hotel too,I have never met her, and I don't even consider her as my boss too.

grandma held her hands and then said.

grandma to Jeni: So you're telling me you're gonna work 2 places at the same time??

Jeni replied.

NO!! Not really during weekdays, I will work at the house as a maid, and on weekends at the hotel. And also I am not sure if I will get hired
as a maid,*smiles*.

Her grandma then asked her a question.

grandma to Jeni: Ok, but why do you wanna be a maid?

Jeni to her grandma: Co'z I love working hard!!

Grandma held her hands again and then told her good luck.

grandma to Jeni: Ok dear, good luck!!

Jeni replies Okayyy....Love u guys!!

At night Jeni keeps thinking if she might pass the interview or not. Even though it's already 1:30 Jeni is still awake and still keeps thinking about it, she is also very nervous about what might happen if she will meet the owner of the hotel. Jeni keeps moving from side to side on her bed coz she can't sleep. Jeni then talks to herself.

Jeni to herself: OMG!! Jeni, you need to go to sleep right now it's already 1:30 AM... It's very late!!! Why are you so nervous about it?!! This ain't your first time, so stop being nervous.......Oh gosh I had to poop.


Jeni keeps looking at the mirror of her bathroom with pajamas on and still , she keeps talking to herself.

Jeni to herself: Oh gosh self!! Why do you have to be so nervous, you have to calm down!!

Jeni finally then took a bath, then cleansed her face. Then Jeni walked to the front door and told her grandparents that it was time for her to leave and now go to the interview. Jeni then leaves and rides a taxi. Even inside she still keeps talking to herself coz of the interview.

Jeni to herself: Girl you got this, you are an attractive young lady(she's so confident about her beauty lol), I'm sure Mrs. Jeong-si will like you,*smiles nervously*.

*Several minutes later*

She then arrived at the mansion. She was shocked about it coz the house is very attractive to look at, and also the mansion is really big. She then stepped inside the house looking everywhere coz she can't stop looking. Ms.Miya was inside the mansion sitting on the couch, she sees Jeni, and approaches her, she then asks a question.

Ms.Miya to Jeni: Ohhh dear are u doing well.. Are you excited to work here?

Jeni replied.

Jeni to Ms.Miya: Yes... I am!! This housssse is jusssst WOWWW!!*screams inside*, so you're telling me I will work here on weekdays? Ms. Miya smiles and says.

Ms.Miya to Jeni: Yes, if you're gonna pass the interview.

A maid went downstairs and called Miya to come up and go to Mrs.Jeong-si's office. The maid's name is Dahyi, she is the head of the maids.

The head maid to Jeni: OKAY! Jeni... Come up now Mrs.Jeong-si noticed you've already arrived.. It's time for your interview.

Jeni then replied.

Jeni to the head maid: Alright..COMING!!

Jeni walks up yet still keeps looking around it(she didn't even watch herself stepping, but she was walking slowly), after arriving upstairs she then walks very slowly proceeding to Mrs.Jeong-si's room, Mrs.Jeong-si noticed her steps then opens the door. Mrs. Jeong-si smiled at her and then says.

Mrs.Jeong-si to Jeni: OHHH hi dear!!! Come in and have a sit.

Jeni smiled at her too and replies: Hi good morning ma'am,*bows*.

Mrs.Jeong-si to Jeni: Soo you must be Jeni, the one that will apply as a maid.

Jeni to Mrs.Jeong-si:*laughs nervously*, YES!! that's right.

Mrs. Jeong-si to Jeni: Alright let's start, I will ask you several questions and then I will test your talents and skills, is that ok with you?

Jeni laughs a little and then replied.

Jeni to Mrs.Jeong-si: Yes, it's fine with me.

Mrs.Jeong-si then tested her by asking her questions, then tested her skills and talents..... After that Jeni finally walked outside the room nervously, she keeps shaking and told herself that she doesn't have to worry about it. The head maid runs towards her and comforts her.

The head maid to Jeni: It's ok dear, don't be nervous I'm sure that you will pass.

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