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Jeni kept thinking about the situation,15 seconds later she finally said yes.

Jeni to Mrs. Jeong-si: Ok I will do it, also why do you want me to tutor Sir Jeonu, I actually have a lot of work to do,*smiles*.

Mrs. Jeong-si replied.

Mrs. Jeong-si to Jeni: I saw your records at school, I saw you always get straight A's.

Jeni got surprised, Jeni replied.

Jeni to Mrs. Jeong-si: Ohhhh... Didn't know that,*giggles a bit*. Also, I don't know if I can tutor him well too, but sure I'll try my best,*laughs nervously*.

Mrs. Jeong-si held her hands and then thanked her.

Mrs. Jeong-si to Jeni: Thank you, Jeni, I really appreciate you.



Jeni went to a professor's room(Mrs. Jae is her name, she's the mother of Jeni's best friend named Woonyoung, she's her classmate too). Jeni asked her if she can use her room for tutoring someone. She agreed.

Mrs. Jae to Jeni: Sure, just clean it after using it ok? I'm in a hurry, I'll give you the keys,*gives the keys to her*. Alright goodbye now!

Jeni waved and replied.

Jeni to Mrs. Jae: *waves* Byeee, also thanks Mrs.!!

Jeni jumped out happiness. She said to herself.

Jeni to herself: Gosh I can't believe I will tutor Jeonu here!! SOOO EXCITED!!


It's time for them to go to bed, Jeni called her best friend Woonyoung about earlier.

Jeni to Woonyoung: Heyyy sis!! Your mother really agreed, I didn't expect that!!

Woonyoung replied.

Woonyoung to Jeni: I know right siss!! I told you my mom is a nice woman.

Jeni smiled and then replied.

Jeni to Woonyoung: *laughs* I didn't really expect that.


Jeonu was sitting on his bed watching a movie, Jeonu then recapped the scene between him and his mother yesterday about his math grades.

Mrs. Jeongsi to Jeonu: My son, what kind of a student are you, you keep getting low grades on math, you really don't know how important math is in accountancy?

Jeonu replied.

Jeonu to Mrs. Jeong-si: Yeah mom, I know, it's just I'm bad at it.

Mrs. Jeong-si scratched her head, with an angry face. She then replied.

Mrs. Jeong-si to Jeonu: Are you even my son? I thought my son is a hardworking lad, you actually didn't do that.

Jeonu looked at her face angrily and then replied.

Jeonu to Mrs. Jeong-si: How about you, are you even my mother? You keep paying the professors to change my grades so that I will just pass.

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