Chapter 7: Abductions and Knock Outs

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⚠️kidnapping, use of gas, fighting, violence, ⚠️

You have been sleeping on Emily for about half an hour, before you are woken up by a commotion outside the door. Your head shoots up and Emily stands up to check what is happening. She opens the door to find men walking into the precinct with gas masks on, and canisters spraying everywhere. She quickly shuts the door and comes over to you. 

Emily - “okay y/n, we need to get out of here okay?”

y/n “why?”

Emily - “there's no time to ask questions sweetie, we need to leave.”

y/n - “they've come for me haven't they?”

Emily sighs. “I think so sweetheart, that's why we need to get you to safety, okay?”

y/n - “okay.”

At that moment, the door is opened, and a canister is shoved in before the door is quickly shut again. Emily dashes over to the door and tries to open it, but to no avail. She then tries to stop the gas in the canister but has no luck with that either. 

She puts her jumper over her mouth, and comes over to you. 

Emily - “okay y/n, i know this is scary but you need to do this too okay?”

You do as you are told, already getting dizzy, when the door opens again. Two men with gas masks enter the room, and Emily gets up to defend you. Your vision is blurry but before you pass out you see Emily try to fight the men before quickly getting knocked out. You lose consciousness as they come over to you, and you aren't able to put up a fight.

The others arrive and walk in to find both prisoners and officers unconscious, and gas canisters on the floors. Without thinking, JJ runs straight to the interrogation room with Derek close behind. They rush in to find Emily unconscious on the floor with a big cut on her forehead. JJ rushes over and tries to wake her. “Emily? Hey come on, you need to wake up.”

She lightly taps Emily's face. “Come on em, wakey wakey babe” When Emily doesn't respond, JJ pulls her into her lap, and Derek checks her pulse. By this time, the officers and prisoners are waking up, so Hotch comes in to check on emily. 

Hotch - “is she okay?”

JJ - “I don't know, she has a big gash on her head, and she still hasn't woken up.”

Hotch - “okay, give it some time, it is highly likely that she was knocked out before the gas took effect. There are medics on the way.”

JJ - “okay. And Hotch?”

Hotch -"What is it?"

Derek -"They've taken y/n"

Hotch -"Dammit. This is what we were hoping to avoid. We need to get to her quickly"

JJ - "Oh god, they are going to kill her aren't they"

Hotch - "Not if I have anything to say about it. We'll get her back JJ"

She smiles a thank you as Hotch leaves the room.

A few minutes later, Emily starts to stir. 

JJ - “hey baby, are you okay?”

Emily doesn't respond but tries to sit up. 

Derek - “woah, easy there tiger, you got yourself knocked out, take it slow”

They help Emily sit up and she leans against the wall, touching her head and wincing.

JJ - “It's okay, the ambulance is on its way. Can you tell me where you are?”

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