Burgertron x BotBot Reader (Part 2 of 2)

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(Well dang, last time was pretty crazy, we'll see Ulfs plan & see fighting in this part. Also a bit of trying to make someone jealous & what not, anyway enjoy)

(rBBsm) - random bot bot squad member

No one's pov:

Some time after the banishment of Spud Muffin, everyone is just doing their thing, but (BBs) was mostly moping about since one of their members left them. "Come on, just cause (BBn) left, doesn't mean we have to sit around like a bunch of sad sacks. Bot Bots are party peeps, so let's go on & par-tay!" Said (rBBsm) & the others nodded. Soon they went on & partied with the other bots, still feeling a bit guilty.

Sure Ulf said that she was with Brocolonli, but she didn't really look or act like she ever liked him that way. As soon as Burgertron was walking around with (BBn), Ulf instantly was kissing & going all on Brocolonli, saying cringy shit like "Oh Broc, you have such a thick stock on you~" & "You're such a better lover than that grease ball Burgertron!" In such a freaking annoying ass voice... But it didn't really catch her ex's attention because his eyes were on (BBn) & happily joking about with her/him.

     Soon as Burgertron was out of Ulf's sight, she instantly gagged & cleaned off her mouth from kissing Brocolonli. "Why is this not getting his attention? Is it cause he is all over that slut?!..." Ulf face palmed herself & groaned annoyed from her failed attempts to get Burgertron jealous. "If I can say..." Brocolonli began "I'm kinda uncomfortable with being used in the way that you're using me, he even knew that you had hardly any interest in me when he was in the squad." He pointed out & Ulf glared back, making him jump a bit.

     "Of course... I only said it was you because you were closer to me during the time her called me out. I should've said Spud since I did like him after Burgy... it would've been more believable, but then again he got banished." Ulf sits down, slumped a bit on her hands & Broc slightly patted her shoulder. "Also what does that bolt-sucker have that I don't?" Ulf asked rhetorically but Broc answered "Well said she's/he's loyal, doesn't gas-light her/his friends, they're nice & honest..." Broc then shuts his mouth instantly & Ulf gripped his lips. "Shut it you green head..." soon she gets up again & walked off. "Where ya going?" Broc asked, kinda scared about what she was gonna say. "She's/He's gonna fucking get a taste of my citrus punch...." Ulf soon walked off & was on the lookout for (BBn).

Later on in the nights, the Lost Bots were just sliding about & playing in the kid area, just to know why lil kids enjoy it so much & now they get the hype. Tossing & playing around a bit in the ball pit, Clogstopper used his head to catch the ball & used it to block the other balls. Bonz-eye used his katana like a bat as Kikmee threw it & played baseball together. Dimlit laughed & slid down the kiddy slide repeatedly, then ended up catching the ball Bonz-eye hit & gleamed happily "I caught it, I caught a ball!" As they play about, Burgertron & (BBn) we're trying to swing on one of the swings, but it's kinda hard since they're too light & small to swing about on it. "C-Come on! This is ridiculously harder than it looks.." Burgertron said a bit annoyed but determined.

     "I mean, the mini hugelings made it look so easy to swing on this." (BBn) pointed out & swung their legs to try & swing that way. Burgertron tried moving his legs as well, soon it slightly started swaying a bit, then making them a bit excited & try to have it swing farther. Both Burgertron & (BBn) move their legs in unison harder, making it swing more & they cheer a bit. "Yay! We're moving!" (BBn) cheered a bit & kept swinging their legs, laughing slightly & soon flew off onto the padded floor. Burgertron felt he landed on something & slightly looking a bit, pushing himself above what he landed on & looked to see (BBn) under him. His face went red instantly as his & (BBn)'s eyes met, both getting flustered then he moved off her/him. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen..." Burgertron rubbed the back of his head & kept blushing while seeing (BBn) sit up.

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