The Wonders Of Friends (Part 2)

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Hey everyone! Sorry this is a long boring chapter! I promise it will get more into ZoroxReaderzLuffy in the next chapter! I just want to give a more detailed introduction.

I hope you enjoy! 🐥

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As you were walking around the Mangrove Forest you observed the numbers that were painted on the trees. "Why are they numbered..?" You never quite knew but it helped you find the Sunny. When you walk over to the sunny you unexpectedly meet Franky. "Franky! Oh my gosh!" You run over to him and hug the larger man tightly. "Oi! Y/n!! How are you? You are looking SUPER!!" Franky asked while letting you go to pose for his "Super." "I'm doing well, you also look amazing Franky. Your upgrades are fascinating!" You compliment with a smile. You soon realized you had boosted his confidence as he proudly showed off his new upgrades.

"Sunny-Gou.." you both heard a familiar voice comment. "I'm sorry you had to sit around for 2 years.." you heard her apologize with her usual calm voice. "I'm glad you're safe.." she gladly said, unaware of you and Franky. "OWWWW!" Franky exclaimed in shock looking at his one and only. "We got a real hottie before me!" He exclaimed while getting into his "Super" pose standing on the railing. "our super archaeologist!" He announced letting you know. "Robin.." you thought with a smile.

"Aren't you Robin???" He asked, still in pose. She stands there for a bit in a trance. You awkwardly stand there as she registers the now awkward situation. "You haven't changed one bit, Franky!" She happily said with her warm welcoming smile. "Yes I have, dummy!"he exclaimed in annoyance. "Look! I am what every man dreams to be!" He exclaimed, posing even more.

"He said she was a real hottie.. Am I not a real hottie?!??" You murmured to yourself feeling quite offended. "Look at my new upgrades! You won't see this anywhere else!" He posed again showing his back. "I suppose so, it's hard to consider you human at this point." She commented, causing you to chuckle.

"You calling me a pervert? Stop flattering me!" He complained with a smile. As you watch Robin walk onto the ship her foot sunk into the bubble layer. "Robin! It's been too long." You say walking over to her. She happily nods while you both share a hug. You let go of eachother while Franky sits down in a chair with a coke in his hand. "It feels like jelly.." she commented poking at the bubble layer.

"Rayleigh definitely got skill." Franky added with a smile. "We can now explore the bottom of the sea with this layer." You say while sitting on the railing. "I just saw Rayleigh and the others." Robin informed still holding her bag over her shoulder. "So you went to the bar? What number were you?" Franky asked, taking a sip of his cola. "Ninth, Luffy is the only one left." Robin said, causing your body to feel more excitement. "Yes! New adventures!" You exclaim throwing your hands in the air. Robin chuckles at your reaction and sits on the ground. You stare down at her bag. "Y/n why don't you go ahead and explore the island. The last time we were here you didn't get to see much." Robin suggested with a smile.

"Yeah! That's a good idea." You put your bag on the ground near Robin and make sure you have everything you need incase you need to contact your friends. "Alright! I'll be back!" You happily wave to them while jumping off the ship. They both wave back watching you walk away. "She's become very mature.." Robin commented with a proud smile. "She is SUPER amazing.." Franky added while Robin got a book out.

You've been walking for a while now. You ended up in town passing near a bar. Right when you passed it the whole entire building exploded causing many civilians to run. You quickly get alarmed and watch people run out of the building. "Wait.. Is that..?" You watch two people who look familiar casually walk out of the bar. "N-NAMI AND USOPP??" You exclaim catching their attention. They both stare at you probably not knowing who you are. "Wait.. Y/N?!?!?" Nami finally realized making Usopp realize.

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