Clingy (Part 3)

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Hello folks I am back~ I hope you didn't wait long!

Hope you enjoy the new chapter~ 🎏


You are now back to the present sitting next to your captain on the railing watching him. "Hey Luffy, no bite yet?" You ask, staring down at the water. Luffy whines and sadly shakes his head. "Ehhh.. I want meat.." Luffy complained, sulking in sadness. "Here, why don't I take your place? Go see what Sanji is making." You put your hand out to grab the pole. He happily gave it to you, this caused your hands to touch. You casually take the pole while Luffy stared at you for a second.

You stare back at him and tilt your head. You observe his features carefully catching him blushing.  "Luffy? Are you okay?" You ask while watching him awkwardly look away. "Yeah! Uh.. SANJI!!!" He quickly ran away to the kitchen screaming the cooks name. You sit there awkwardly thinking about the situation. "Okay then.." you continue to fish suddenly feeling a tug. You quickly start to yank on the fishing rod feeling the pressure increase. "No you aren't!" You started to feel the fish start to tug harder.

Fighting with the fish started to become a struggle. It wasn't like any other fish you have ever dealt with before, maybe a Sea King? You continue to tug while hearing footsteps behind you. "Y/n? What are you doing?" You heard a low gruffy morning voice ask. "Ah! Zoro! I just got a catch!" You happily say looking back at the swordsman.

He rubbed one of his eyes watching you struggle. It seemed the swordsman had just woken up from his beauty sleep. "Do you need help?" He offered walking over to you. "Yes please!" You beg giving him some room to help pull. He put his hands on the bottom of the pole and started to pull with you. You and him begin to slowly pull in the challenging creature. All of a sudden a large Sea King started to flap in the air causing you to freak out. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" You scream Bloody Mary hearing everyone run out of their rooms.

"Y/N WHAT'S WRONG!" You heard Nami's voice exclaim. Shortly after though you also heard her scream. "Don't let go, Y/n." Zoro demanded letting go of the pole. You nod your head as Zoro puts his hand on his sword. Before you could even comprehend his actions he sliced through Sea king like butter. You and everyone stared in shock and amazement. "Oi Zoro! Good job!" You all heard Luffy's voice happily say grabbing all the large pieces of mean falling in the air. He threw them on the ground, allowing Sanji to examine them.

"I should be able to work with this.." Sanji casually pulled it away. "Perfect for Y/n-chwan.. Nami-swan.. Robin-Chan.." Sanji talked to himself daydreaming about serving the girls. "Luffy! Did Sanji make you some lunch?" You ask while walking over to him.  "Yosh! Sanji cooks the best!" Luffy said with his usual cheesy smile. You nod smiling back at him, "That's good! Oi! Nami, is there an island popping up soon?" You ask, looking over at her near the wheel. "Yeah! We should be there later today." She answered while giving you a thumbs up.

You nod your head and head back over to the railing. "Y/n! Look at Franky's new invention!" You heard Chopper's voice ask from behind you. You quickly turn to look at him but before you could you felt your body fall off the ship. You turned too fast and caused yourself to fall off the edge of the ship. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" You scream once again alarming everyone. Before you knew it you landed in the water. You could feel your body get weak as it got deeper into the sea.

You could see a quick glance of someone jumping in the water. Before you could clearly see who it was your eyes closed shut.


You wake up in someone's arms that are wrapped around your body. You think about anyone that could be doing this, anyone. "Who the hell is hugging me..?" You thought to yourself, hesitant to turn around and find out. You sit there for a moment making your decision. You look around the room, it was your room. Good thing you are in the Sunny, if it was any other ship you would've started to throw hands.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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