💙⚡ Skyjay

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or LightningAmber or Jaylor or what about OpalShipping?

Jay x Skylor

First the name... LightningAmber is kinda difficult to pronounce, Jaylor is probably normal and Skyjay sounds cute, doesn't it?

But what about the name OpalShipping? Opals are really cool shining gems with a lot of colours, which could symbolize the variability of Skylors power. Their sparkling and bright look reminds me of lightning and they are also stones, like amber.

Idk. This just came to my mind and I think it makes sense and it fits. I'll be glad if you write your opinions in the comments :D

And now the pairing... I can see it. PlasmaShipping works and Skylor has a similar personality. And she also helps Jay in season 6 in his "spare ninja team", so... Maybe there could be something more, in some universe.


Some fanarts:


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