Before the Fall 1

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Not sure if this will ever be a completed story, I'm creating this chapter at 1am LOL.


It was just a simple day. The flowers were blooming, birds were singing, the sky was clear and blue, the sun was shining, wildlife was thriving.
Specifically, everywhere except in the glorious nation of Khaenriah.

The people screaming, blood painting the landscape, debris scattered everywhere.

The ashes burnt to ashes, dust turned to dust. An eye for an eye, and the world went blind that day.

But how did we get to this point?..

Before the fall.

"Priestess, you're back." A soft and relieved voice called out towards you. His graceful cape swaying in the slight wind.

You aren't a special individual, not to this nation, at the very least. Yet he always greeted you with a smile despite not agreeing with the work you did. A priestess in a Godless nation would seem like an absurd idea, if it weren't for the minimum benefits.

"Indeed I am, Captain." You walk up some stone steps, holding up your outfits pure white draping fabric. Your appearance did seem like one of a priestess, although not like any other nations. You wore a translucent veil, a black underpiece, on your chest rested a four pointed purple star which pinned the white chest fabric under it very well. an ankle length loincloth with patterns native to Khaenriah, and long butterfly wing like fabric draped behind you, creating an almost ethereal look.

He reached his hand out to help you up the last step, which you took with your own. The twilight sword looked in your mesmerizing eyes and planted a kiss on the back of your hand.

"How did thy journey go?" He inquired.
"The anemo God gave me his blessing, strengthening my soul further." He grunted at this notion, not caring much for this God.

As you walk back towards your kingdom, you initiate small talk about what happened on the Twilight swords end. As usual, just some patrols and training sessions, as expected of a Captain.

The air around you seemed gloomier than usual, and the barely visible skies were dark. But your gaze never left the man beside you.
He was a man of high status, the so called Twilight sword. His skills surpassed many, and tons of citizens and knights alike idolized him. His morals were such strong dedication to his kingdom, and valuing the fact that mankind created this paradise. In his eyes, the Gods nations beauty couldn't come close to where he and his people come from. But it wasn't just his skill that made him so popular among the people, oh, no,he was quite attractive too. Blonde hair, such pretty glittering eyes, a fair build and such gorgeous clothes. All the women fawned over him, and he was second only to the Prince in their eyes.

Which only made you think how much out of league he was, yet, his eyes were only on you, too, a lowly priestess that didn't have much place in this kingdom.

"Something may befall our nation soon." You mention to him quietly while walking through the gates. Perhaps he should know first...
"Something always befalls on our nation." But your warning was for nought. Perhaps it's meant to be this way.

He was a stubborn captain. Caring nought for the Divine nor their servants. He truly believes that what humanity built themselves is supreme. I guess you don't blame him, you yourself only seeked to become a Priestess as to get answers from the Archons. But once Makoto mentioned blessing your soul to strenghten it because she enjoyed your company, the idea wasn't dismissed by you.

"Here we are... Guess we should part ways, huh?" You sighed, upon reaching the plaza where many eyes were laid upon you, well, more like on him. As the prettiest knight, this was bound to happen whenever he lingered someplace.
"I can escort you to your quarters-"
"N-no need. I can walk by myself." The gaze of so many eyes made you uncomfortable.
"See you!" You took off in quick steps.

Tragedy Is The Start Of Hope (Dainsleif x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें