The Fall

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You got separated, as Dainsleifs knightly duty senses took over him in an instant, scrambling to properly gear up and protect the people, while you ran outside to help the masses from various debree.

It was horrible, the ground was split open in way more than a couple of places, and tons of the prosperous buildings were now but rubble and debree trapping citizens under it.

You noticed a boy trapped under some rubble and rushed over to get him out.  The boy was audibly sobbing, his legs crushed under the weight of the debree.
"It'll be alright, it'll be alright....!" You reassured him and yourself as you started to lift parts of the crumbled architecture off.
Except that you felt an incoming attack coming right behind you.

Wasting no time, you yell out "Judah!" , the name of your trusty shield like weapon. The oath of Judah, a heavy weapon designed to subdue larger enemies, but in scenarios like this, it may as well be used as a shield.
The heavy cross created a barrier between you and the attacker, and you noticed how a spear was lodged into the cross.

You quickly scoop the child into your arms and begin sprinting as far as you can, glancing only once behind, realizing that the one that tried attacking you was...
One of the archons....

So, Barbatos really wasn't joking.  They're really here to destroy Khaenriah. So it seems the Gods turned their backs on us.. 

You wanted to scream, ask them why, why they would do this when they so graciously blessed someone of this nation multiple times. But it seems the Gods would not answer in words, only spears and arrows.

You soon drop off the child to someone who was make shift sheltering them, hoping they'll have a chance them. But deep in your heart you knew none of them would live.

As you rush back to the main battlefield, you find that Dainsleif and his knights are now fully geared. You could only hope your loves fate wouldn't come to an immediate end like the others.


It only got worse.
There was no signs of alive structures. Cubes, so many cubes in the skies.
The grass withered to an ugly black.
The corpse of the moon watched it happen.
This nation would be no more.

You only managed to find so many alive people, realizing that a lot of them didn't make it. The king is Archons know where, and the knights are still on the front lines, hopelessly attempting to hold back the Gods as much as they could.

Your legs were aching from this much running and sprinting, your veil and much fabric from your outfit is gone, used to make makeshift bandages. But you don't care, as long as even one person would survive.

Your fathers piloted Ruin Golem didn't last long against Morax. The other Golems were taken by Rukkhadevata and blasted to who knows where. The situation is looking grim.

As you sprinted towards where Dainsleif is, you noticed him lying on the ground, badly wounded, almost as if....

"DAINSLEIF!-" You called out desperately, not wanting to believe it. His gaze barely shifted to you, but it did. He was hanging on by a thread.

"Dainsleif! Just wait, I'll, I'll-mpht!-" your mouth was covered by a hand.

"Quietly now, Priestess." A familiar voice sounded in your ears. Barbatos. He used the power of a thousand winds to restrict your movement and began to whisk you away to somewhere unknown.

Dainsleif watched in horror and desperately tried to stand up, but his wounds were too grave to even reach his hand out.

"Barbatos, let me go, damn it!"  You screamed and tried to move, but the condensed wind would not budge.

" No! I don't want you to die too!" He desperately begged, while taking you much further than the place where the calamity is happening.
"Who cares about what YOU want, YOU'RE destroying my homeland, why won't you let me die with my people?!" You sobbed
"Just let me die with the people I actually love!"

Barbatos threw you down onto the ground.
"I barely had a window of time to do this, (y/n)! Why can't you understand that you're important?" He looked down at your form on the ground.

"You're no God of Freedom, you just make people think like they're free when they aren't!"  You weeped out.



You couldn't make it back in time to do anything worthwhile. All the people were gone, and the sustainer had already descended by then to take of remaining threats, namely, Rhinedottirs creations.
As for Rhinedottir herself, she was already long gone from the nation by that time.

A month has passed, and you began seeing strange creatures not like your alchemist friends ones. These ones seemed oddly human.

But imagine your horror when you find out they are your people. This sudden realization only came when you encountered a corrupted knight. He lacked all human features, he had become a monster of armor and weaponry. And he was not a passive one.

You weeped once again for your fallen comrade that had to die by your own hand. The oath of Judah stained with what it was meant to fight alongside with.

This... this made you wonder. Just how many people were corrupted like this? Just how much did the people of Khaenriah hold out without you? Did any God die by your peoples hands? And why was the blessing in your soul still pulsating so tenderly, as if not wanting to hurt you like a delicate flower. 

But the most important question on your mind was...

Whether Dainsleif managed to make it out alive.

While yes, he was immensely injured when you last saw him, he doesn't seem like he'd go down easily. Perhaps he survived, or perhaps he fell in battle with a foe far too strong, like the sustainer. Only your eyes would confirm the truth, when you would go back and investigate the ruins of your homeland yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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