Before the Fall 2

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Dainsleif wondered why you would suddenly call him over to your quarters in the middle of the night without prior warning.

It has been days since you saw each other.

His mind wandered to the worst case scenario.
Perhaps something urgent happened? Did you get injured? Did the Gods reverse their blessings and decide to crumble you altogether? There is no time to think.

Poor Dainsleif didn't even change out of his casual clothing, donning just a loose white dress shirt and black pants. His sword sheath being held onto by a belt. He speed walked over to your quarters, panicking as why you were so sudden in this request, but his mind calmed once he knocked on your quarters door and you simply said "Enter." In a normal tone.

He was quite busy earlier in the day, aiding a lost traveler to help her sibling. She introduced herself as Lumine, she announced that she is an outlander seeking help. And who was Dainsleif to refuse helping someone who is not under the Seven? Needless to say, after painstakingly introducing her to the world of Teyvat in seemingly a couple of hours, she bid her temporary goodbye to explore on her own. But that doesn't matter right now.

Once the doors were pushed upon, he was greeted by a sight he calls beautiful. It was just you, standing in your quarters balcony, with moonlight bathing you and your features. Your back was turned to him, showing off all those butterfly wing patterns on your outfit.

Your head turned towards him with a small smile which made his heart skip a beat. Yet, your eyes seemed to be telling a different story.

"What... What did you require me of, Priestess?" He barely voiced out.
You looked at his stoic form, watching him stand frozen still in the hall.
" Come over here, Captain Dainsleif, the airs nice. I hope I didn't wake you."

Surely, you have more to say behind closed doors, not that many knights patrol these parts.

Upon invite, he steps into your quarters, closing the door behind him and walking into that moon bathed balcony space where you stood. He glanced beyond the balcony.

The view looked upon a part of the kingdom, so graciously built by the people, our pride. Tonights sky was not as clear as usual, with only a couple of stars showing up.

Yet his eyes were somehow more drawn to you this night. How your eyes looked so sad and hopeless, despite your smile.

"I hope you aren't angry I called you out so late just to stargaze." You looked at his gorgeous eyes. But something was off, for the sky was not clear enough tonight to stargaze.

He felt his breaths shorten.
"No. It's-It's alright. I don't mind."
He himself deemed it unusual to stutter, but he couldn't help it in front of you.

"That's good... In that case, I actually do have something else to tell you.."

You turned to look at a short vase on a nearby table, filled with inteyvats. You take one out and hold it in front of Dainsleif. The five petal flower visibly soft, as it's in it's native land.

"Do you know why I love inteyvats, Dainsleif?" You questioned, gently caressing the petals.
But before Dainsleif could mutter a response, you continued.

"Because it's a symbol for a wanderer far from home, signifying the tenderness of our homeland, my homeland." You gently place the flower behind Dainsleifs ear, admiring how pretty he looked under the moonlight too.
Your hand caressed down to Dainsleifs soft cheek. And his breath hitched as you spoke your next words.
"I don't want to live with regrets, so listen to this lowly Priestess' words."

"I love you, Dainsleif. The reason why I keep coming back here, is because you're my homeland." You stargazed into those deep blue eyes, wondering what emotion they felt.

"There is nowhere in Teyvat where I feel as at home than when I'm with you. You are extremely pretty, and..." You hesitate." You may as well disregard these feelings because of our difference in views, but..." A single tear escaped your eye.
"Please just know, I cherished every single moment we were in the same space."

"So forgive me, if this seems selfish." You leaned in and kissed him, holding his pure face with both of your palms.
Yet when you expected to be pushed away, you felt the kiss deepen.

Dainsleif held your waist, pressing up against your body. The world seemed to stop at that moment. It was just you and him, under the corpse of the moon.

As you pull away for air, you quickly embrace Dainsleif as hard as you can and begin to quietly sob.

Dainsleif quietly embraces you back.
" Prie-" he was cut off.
"(Y/N.), 'please'.... 'Please' just call me (Y/N)."

He hummed.
"(Y/N), I...feel the same about you. I wanted to tell you so much for so long." He hesitated for a moment before deciding it's now or never.

"Will you take me as yours, (Y/N)?" He lifted your head up from the crook of his neck in front of himself, wiping off your crystal tears.

You sniffle before giving an answer.
"Of course.... You are mine, and I am yours, my guardian." You hold his hands. And Dainsleif genuinely smiles back at you.

" It's getting late, wouldn't you like to res-" The twilight sword was about to offer before hearing you sob again.

"I'm so happy.... But why, why must I have confessed too late, Archons?" You muttered quietly while looking up to the sky.

"What are you talking about, (y/n)?" Dainsleif muttered while furrowing his brows about why you would possibly mention the Gods at this moment.

But you looked disconnected. Frantic, even.
You turn back to Dainsleif and look into those deep blue glittering eyes.

"Dainsleif, maybe it's not too late, we can still run away." Your eyes held fear.


An extremely loud, thunderous noise was heard nearby. You and Dainsleif frantically turned your heads to see that the ground was splitting apart.

The sky darkened and took on a red shade.

Tragedy Is The Start Of Hope (Dainsleif x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now