to catch a dream

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A/N: The reunion/ character arc ending I wish I had gotten so I could heal. :(

Bon Appétit


A warm breeze tickled Lance's face, which was strange given that he was sure it was past midnight. Though his eyelids were shut, a bright light irritated his eyes, Like the sun was out. It was quiet, and an almost heavenly presence fell upon him. Indeed, it was heaven because it was a feeling he couldn't quite describe. Mystical? Supernatural? His senses were telling him it wasn't of earthly origins. His eyes fluttered open, and the sight sent him into shock. The sun shone in the sky, but the moon's crescent shape was also visible. Different hues of pink and blue painted the heavens, and petite clouds were scattered in every direction. There were birds and animals of all sizes and breeds, uncommon to earth, and trees as big as skyscrapers grazing the clouds. Bodies of water were filled with sea creatures, elegant and breathtaking. Some with gold for skin and others with fins that could compare to gems' beauty. Small bird calls and buzzes would occasionally ring out, showing he wasn't alone. Something tickled Lance's face, and he sat in a large field of juniberries. Long, green stems held the fuchsia petals proudly, encasing their yellow pollen center. Not a single one withered or broken. They all stood firm, and their presence was warm and welcoming, just like the old planet Altea and its princess.

Although there was a small voice in Lance's head telling him this wasn't normal and that he should be afraid, he didn't find any reason to be. He felt safe and warm, almost protected. A kind of peace you could only ever find when you're in heaven. "Wait...Holy crap! Am I dead!? " Lance quipped, his hands shooting up to face. "No way... actually? " He bit his lip, thinking to himself. "Did I freeze to death? Maybe I drowned or something." He chuckled. "What a horrible way to go out. Suck a pick-me move, really." He slapped his face. "No. I'm not stupid. This must be a dream." The wind blew, and the faint scent of salt water invaded his senses.

"A really, really vivid dream..." he whispered. "It's weird, but it's gorgeous..." He smiled, gazing upon the small planets and stars scattered across the sky. Typically, this view would scare him, but he'd been through too much to be fazed by space now. In its infinite vastness, he found it beautiful. Soul-stirring but beautiful. Space was a force to be reckoned with, and he felt humble enough to know he was only a dust particle with a consciousness compared to the universe's power and infinite magnitude. He tried not to ponder that too much, though.

"Well, it was nice to stop by, but..." He circled around the field. "I gotta get back. The gang is probably losing their shit because of me." he sighed and stared into the distance. A minute passed, then two. Then three. "Crap. How do I get out of here?" He looked at his arm, deciding to pinch himself. Nothing. "Maybe I gotta do it harder?" He winced in pain, but nothing happened. He looked at his palms, contemplating slapping himself awake, but decided against it. He patted himself down, hoping to find a phone hidden away or some kind of communicator in his pockets, but to no avail.

"Okay, Now what?" He placed his hands on his waist, spinning in circles, looking at his surroundings. He caught a glimpse of a silhouette in the distance, perched on top of a hill. He froze, not sure if they were friends or foes. His eyes focused, and he could point out a dress wrapped around an hourglass figure. It looked like a woman. Hesitantly, he called for her. "Excuse me! Are you from around here-" his heart lurched, and he felt his eyes would pop out from his skull. The woman looked up, and for a moment, he swore her eyes were blue. No way.

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