chapter 2

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The clock read 7:30 AM, and I struggled to open my eyes, I felt like I was being dragged back to reality from a deep, dark abyss

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The clock read 7:30 AM, and I struggled to open my eyes, I felt like I was being dragged back to reality from a deep, dark abyss. The pain in my head was so intense that it felt like my skull was going to split open. I struggled to sit up, but the room spun around me, and I collapsed back onto the bed.

After a few moments, I tried again, this time managing to stay upright. I looked down at my clothes from yesterday, and I felt disgusted. I knew I needed to change, but even the thought of moving made me feel dizzy.

I looked over at the desk and saw some clothes, water, chocolate, and biscuits. I felt grateful and angry at the same time. Why did I have to rely on someone else to take care of me?

I got up, and my head spun again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

I drank some water and ate some chocolate and biscuits, feeling my energy levels start to rise. I looked around the room, checking for any hidden cameras.

The thought of someone watching me in my vulnerable state made me feel sick.

I decided to take a quick, warm shower, hoping it would help clear my head. I felt the hot water wash over me, and I closed my eyes, feeling the tension in my body start to dissolve.

After the shower, I put on a white t-shirt and short blue jeans. I felt a little better.

As I sat on the bed, eating chocolate and holding the book of Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, I tried to read, but my mind was too foggy to concentrate. I felt bored and trapped in this unfamiliar place.

I saw the notebook and pencil on the desk and wondered if I should try writing something to pass the time. But then, I felt overwhelmed by a wave of sadness and fear. I missed home so much, and I didn't know how much longer I could stay in this place.

"Dad, please help me," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "I'm so afraid. Where are you? Dad, please come here and help me."

I closed my eyes and started singing out loud, hoping that the sound of my voice would drown out the fear and loneliness inside me. I sang the lyrics to a song I knew well, hoping that somehow, it would make me feel better.

"Crashing, hit a wall. Right now, I need a miracle. Hurry up now, I need a miracle. Stranded, reaching out. I call your name, but you're not around. I call your name, but you're not around."

I repeated the chorus over and over, feeling the words echo inside me. "I need you, I need you, I need you right now. Yeah, I need you right now. So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down. I think I'm losing my mind now. It's in my head."

As I sang, I felt a glimmer of hope inside me. Maybe, just maybe, things would get better. But then, I realized that I couldn't remember the rest of the song. I felt frustrated and helpless, wondering if anything would ever go right for me.

I wiped away my tears, but I still don't feel okay. I placed my hands on my stomach, feeling the pain from my period.

"F*ck," I muttered to myself. "What should I do now? Do I end it all and escape from this torment?"

I grabbed my notebook and pen, scribbling down my thoughts. "Hey, I'm Emily..."

As I heard the door open, I quickly stood up from my seat and placed my notebook on the desk. My heart was pounding as I peered through the door and saw him sitting by the entrance, just like yesterday. I could only see his legs, but I knew it was him.

Taking a deep breath, I sat down like him and tried to start a conversation. "Hey," I said, but there was no answer. Just like yesterday, he remained silent. I was getting frustrated and desperate to find a way out of this situation.

"Are you doing this to me for money? I will give you a lot, just let me get out of here," I pleaded. After a moment of silence, he threw a small paper at me. I opened it and read the message. [ Do you need something? ] it said.

I knew this was my chance to ask for help. "Yes, I need to get out of here," But once again, he didn't respond. I was getting more and more anxious and angry.

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and grabbed the pen, writing on the back of the same paper. "I need pads," I threw the paper back at him and waited nervously for his response.

"At least tell me why the hell I'm here, please," I begged him. But once again, there was no answer. He left again, leaving me alone and scared.

I tried to calm myself down, telling myself that my dad would find me soon. But the waiting was unbearable. I just hoped that he would come soon and rescue me from this nightmare.

Hours passed, and I was still stuck in that room. I had no idea where I was or why I was there. I was hungry, thirsty, and desperate for answers. But there was no one to talk to, no one to help me.

I started to feel more and more hopeless. What if no one was looking for me? What if I was going to die here, alone and forgotten? I tried to push those thoughts away and focus on the present.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering why I was here. Was it for money? If so, why didn't he let me talk to my dad and ask for it? My dad wasn't stupid enough to give him money without knowing I was okay.

He hadn't talked to me or even shown me his face. All he did was give me food and water and ask if I needed anything. He was taking care of me. Was he a secret lover? I didn't have a boyfriend, so that couldn't be it.

If he did have a crush on me, why didn't he tell me? Or at least try to talk to me? This was all so weird, but I needed to know what was going on.

I got out of bed and started pacing around the room. I had to figure out a way to get out of here. But how? The door was locked, and there were no windows.

I sat back down on the bed and started to think. Maybe I could try to talk to him again. Maybe he would finally tell me what he wanted.

I stood up and walked to the door. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked, hoping he would answer. But there was no response.

I sighed and walked back to the bed. I felt so helpless and alone. I missed my family and friends. I missed my life.

It was 13:30 PM, and I was lying in bed reading Gone with the Wind. My stomach was growling because I was starving. Wait, he's back?


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