Chapter Six.

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- I know the song is way too sad and deep for the chapter, but I adore the song and the cover. And NO, it is NOT about Levi and Petra. It's about Isabel and Farlan. You'll know if you read the manga and/or watched the OVA "A Choice With No Regrets"/"The Birth Of Levi."-

Warning; I'm getting ready to rant a lot:

(I want to apologize for the lateness of this chapter. If you read my posts on my profile, you already know why it's late. Be sure to be aware if I post, I post a lot if something is up with the upcoming chapters! If you didn't read them, it was because I had stuff going on. I got robbed; someone from my job stole $150+ from me, and so of now, I am broke with no job. I have two checks coming in soon, but they won't last long. Another reason, is because I'm sick.
It started off as a really bad cold, but now I'm getting an ultrasound on my leg to see if I have a blood clot. Which is extremely stressful and scary.
And, I've been working at the horse stables almost every day of the week, and I'm there for many hours, so I hardly have time to write.
I'm a horrible author I know. And I'm sorry.
But props to all of you if you actually read all of this. I tend to ramble a lot.

I tried to make this chapter extra long, and add some sexy time at the end haha. Hope you like it.

Levi's POV
(tell me if any of you are getting bored of Levi's POV. I can switch it to Eren's, though I'm better at Levi's, aha)

The sun was down, and it was becoming dark outside. The tree bark against my back was slowly becoming painful, but I didn't care. I wasn't paying attention to what was happening, but only on one thing.


His head laid on my lap, eyes still closed, unconscious. My two fingers laid on his neck, just to make sure he still had a heartbeat. My fingers never moved away, afraid if I had moved away, he would die. I'm not taking any chances of that happening.

My free hand weaved through his brown hair, keeping myself busy, and trying not to fall into a worry mess.

"Eren, please wake up."


I sighed. It's been hours. It was becoming cold outside, now that the sun had disappeared. We had nothing to keep us warm but each other. Nothing was going right.

I looked down from the limb we were sitting on. Multiple upon multiple Titans were standing at the trunk of the tree, hands grabbing up towards us, but we were just out of their reach. I hoped no taller Titan would make an appearance, because they would definitely be able to reach us.

I noticed that the Titan's moved incredibly slow while it was dark outside, unlike when it was day light out. When it was bright, the Titan moved incredibly fast and I noticed some ran quite fast for being as heavy as they are. I was slightly greatful that they weren't as active tonight, but that doesn't mean I'm completely safe so I have to be aware of what's going on, while protecting myself, and of course poor Eren here.

Sighing, I caressed his face. I clenched my eyes closed tightly, scolding myself when I felt my eyes threatening to tear up. There's no way I'm going to cry, I've got to be strong for Eren.

I leaned down, pressing my nose into his soft, brown hair as I kissed his head lightly.

"Eren, I don't know if you hear me," I whispered, "But I need you to wake up now. I know you're probably in pain, but you're going to need to wake up, and not let the pain take over you. I need you here now, Eren."

I pursed my lips when I felt my eyes water up again. There was no response from the boy in my lap.

"Fuck. Eren, I'm not asking anymore. Wake the fuck up." I said sternly, no longer whispering. "Don't be a damn coward and die on me. Get up."

DISCONTINUED! Run For Me. [ERERI]Where stories live. Discover now