Part 11

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Max: wow, it's a zigzagoon!

May: but you have to keep your voice down or you'll scare it off.

(The zigzagoon runs away)

May: like that.

Max: hey that wasn't my fault! Look up there! (They see three strantler) a stantler!

May: cool!

(They see a bunch of beautifly flying in the sky)

Max: there are so many Pokémon in this forest.

May: I know, I've never seen this many in one place before.

Brock: yeah, everywhere you look is another one.

Ash: you're right, there's something strange about that,

(We see shroomish walk away as sudowoodo runs way from Max)

Max: no wait!

May: you get to close to them.

Brock: Max, you might be scaring them a little bit

Max: I know but the real life Pokémon out here seem so much bigger than the ones in books or in the Pokédex!

May: why'd you be surprised? If you studied up you'd know how big Pokémon are out here in the wild

Max: I have so studied Pokemon and I'll prove it! Zigzagoon like the one we saw at the river are 16 inches tall and weigh 39 pounds, shroomish are 16 inches tall and weigh 10 pounds and sudowoodo are a rock type, are 3 feet 11 inches tall and weigh 84 pounds. I know their statistics but they still look so different seeing them in person for the first time!

May: different how?

Max: when you're close to them you feel them and smell their scent and you can even see them breath.

(Y/N): I understand how you're feeling, I get like that too sometimes.

Ash: I know what you mean, up close they're really alive bright? All the reading about Pokémon in the world isn't nearly as cool as the experience of seeing them or making friends with them or winning battles with Pokémon at your side

Brock: ha! Or los8ng battles since you have some experience in that area as well. Hm?

(They look as they hear noises)

Ash: what was that?

May: it sounded close.

Max: up there!

(They look to see three mightyena)

May: what are they?

Max: they're mightyena.

Ash: mightyena?

Pokédex: mightyena, the bite Pokémon. Mightyena is the evolved form of Poochyena. They move primarily in packs working together to capture their prey.

Ash: they look pretty strong.

May: now's your chance Ash, use that real life experience you were talking about and go make friends.

Ash: actually, my experience is telling me it's a good time to run.

Brock: no Ash.

Ash: okay. I guess we can give it  a try. Ready Pikachu? (Pikachu is ready)

Brock: help me out forretress!

(Y/N): shroomish  I choose you!

May: come on Torchic!

(All the Pokemon sent out now stand off against 3 mightyena)

Ash: Pikachu use thunderbolt!

(Pikachu fires thunderbolt as mightyena dodges and hits Pikachu)

Pokémon Hoenn (advanced- Battle frontier) X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now