First period

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Fuck this school, I hate it, idiots all of em. The teachers and students all wrapped up in their little problems. With their dry ass music, fuck that I'd rather die.
First day back at school, 11tg grade, sweet 16. At least I'll see SS again.

I tell myself this as I put my clothes on:

Dark dramatic black makeup on my eyes and pale foundation

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Dark dramatic black makeup on my eyes and pale foundation. As I apply I notice the shade seems, off..
" fuck did I tan?" I asked myself taking a closer look at myself. I step back to really look at myself in the mirror, I suddenly zoom in on my stomach.
" I should get a belly button piercing" I say.
I head downstairs and just like that I'm on my way to my first day of school

* time skip @ school*
I close my locker after putting my leather coat in, I turn my head and notice my best friend stranded in the middle of the crowd. Surprised I spotted her since she's 5,2.
She whipped her head around so fast and smiled
I then grew an evil smile on my face, she knew exactly what I was about to do.
I inhaled dramatically and screamed as loud as possible
she bolted towards me, by the time she reached me I had done this two more times. She then slapped her hand on my mouth
" omg omg please y/n stop oh my god" she said embarrassed since a bunch of people were looking at us
I burst out laughing and she slowly starts to giggle too
" seriously I've never met anyone like you" she said

Me and Luna, best friends since seventh grade, went to different elementary schools but met in out seventh grade class. You know when people meet their best friends it's usually on purpose. One approches the other and meet, or they meet through someone they both know. Me and luna's friendship is like no other, why? Because we are soulmates, before you get any ideas, no not a romantic soulmate but we were destined to meet one another and our bond is stronger then anything else. I say this not only because of our years of growth. But our completely accidental encounter. Let me paint the picture, you know in school when the teacher would say something along the lines of:
" so this work is going to be in pairs of two-" and before she can even finish, you have kids all around you looking at each other, teaming up with their friends and giggling. Yeah let's say I hated that sort of thing. I was the weird girl, you know the one like
" LoOk At ThiS WoRm" that picks it up and all the other girls freak out because they're scared of bugs. I'm not quirky, I'm not not scared of bugs. Anyhow, unlike the other kids I knew no one was going to look at me asking to be my partner. And I preformed the walk of shame to my teachers desk.
" I don't have a partner" I'd say
And she responded with this phrase
" don't you worry, Luna doesn't have a partner either!"

Whatever she said after I forgot, I noticed a girl behind the teacher, shy and quiet at first, smart and put together. But I found out we both likes the same songs, games, tv shows, interests, style, even humour. Ever since that teacher told me those 9 words I found my best friend.

" WAGWA" I hear a scream from afar, I turn my head and spot ash sprinting towards me and Luna, a little too much speed I might ever say.
" hey ash s" before Luna could even finish, ash crashed into us hugging us tightly.
I have two friends, Luna and ash, and and I met about three years ago. She was 15 meters in the air on top of the play structure next to our school.
That's when u thought this girl was crazy
The per usual, the dean came in and ruined everything. But what caught my surprise was the way the girl got down a 15 meter play structure in less then 10 seconds using only her body. She was agile, and then I realized she wasn't crazy, she was insane. Me and Luna had the same idea, and the rest is SATAN'S SAINTS!! SS for short. Luna with her Intellectual and precision played the electric guitar like part of her own body. Ash, pounds the drums, her craziness and energy make her and the drums a perfect match. And me... I play base and vocal. I don't play them as well as those two. But I aspire that one day I'll be able to play like they do.

" It's been too long girls, let's kick ass in the music room" ash said with excitement.

" you know the rules, new year so we have to ask dean for permission" Luna said

" how about we do it now, get it out of the way" I suggest

" you girls go I gotta go to class" Luna said

" class starts in 15 minutes" ash said

Luna looks at the time and says
" well it's never to early to study" she turns around and throws a hand up in the air in a rock sign as she walks away to class

I tapped ash's arm
" let's go ash"

" alrighty" she said skipping next to me As we make out way to the deans office

*time skip @ the deans office*

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMEONE TOOK IT" I yelled banging my hands on the deans desk in anger

" I'm sorry but another band has already asked me for the music room during lunch times and I agreed" the dean says calmly

" come on- I mean- weve been playing In that room for two years! We're good kids you know that please miss-" she cut me off

I hear ash flick her right ear cartilage

" I'm sorry, but it's not happening, it's a no."

I look down disappointed, ash leans forward crossing her legs.

" miss may I please ask that you reconsider, perhaps we could come to an agreement. A way to keep both parties satisfied. I suggest the bands take turns playing in the music room, if you may allow it." Ash said

The principal scanned ash up and down
" yes I hadn't thought of this, wonderful suggestions. I will inform the band of this tomorrow morning." The principal said

Relief washed over me
" thank you" I thanked the dean
Me and ash walked out of the office
Ash was walking with her arms behind her back and her chest puffed.

" Roxanne.."
" y/n." Roxanne said

Ash has a condition known as multiple personality disorder. Ash and Roxanne live in the same body but are completely different people. I'll be honest, I really really don't like Roxanne, I'd even say I hate her. Imagine this, a depressed school secretary mixed with a strict mom and a teacher pet. That's Roxanne.

There was quiet before I spoke up
" hey I just wanted to thank you for-"
" Don't think I did this for you. I did this for ash, you know my opinion on you isn't positive. Remember that everything I do is for her, never for you." Roxanne said before flicking her left ear lobe
" I'm sorry about her" ash says
" it's alright, being honest, I don't really like her either" I said giggling

I salute Ash as she walks off to her class and I make it to mine just before the bell rings

I wanted to give you a perspective of what ash and Luna look like so I made them on picrew.



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