I love you

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The siren finally pulled into the hospital, I got out of the way as the paramedics took hunter out of the ambulance and branch him inside
«  we'll have to do a surgery, it'll be expensive. » the doctor said
«  just do it, his dad will pay. » I said
The doctors took hunter into an operating room and I paced around the room
I then took out my phone and called hunters dad
« Excuse me miss, but I'm going to ask you to step out the waiting room if you'll be calling someone. » she said
I nodded and walked out, Hunters dad picked up
«  hello »
«  hi this is y/n, hunters friend. » I said
«  how did you get my number? » he asked
«  that's not important right now, Hunter is currently in operation, he broke his leg. » I said
« What? Will he be okay! » he asked
The truth is i didn't know if he would be
«  yes. » i said lying
«  okay, im on my way thank you. » he said
He hung up.
I came back into the waiting room and kept pacing back and fourth

After two hours doctors finally came out of the room with hunter asleep
«  he's stable, the operation was a success." The doctor said
I sighed in relief trying not to cry
" we will be keeping him here overnight for observation to make sure he's okay. Also to prescribe him with medication, to deal with payment and get parental approval." He said
" yes yes of course thank you doctor." I said
" may I ask a few questions?"
" yes of course" I replied
" what's the name of the patient?" He asked me
" hunter Sylvester"
" age"
" 17"
" sex"
"your relationship with the patient"
" girlfriend"
" alright that's enough for now, you can stay in the room with him until further notice. He'll be in from 274 on the second floor." The doctor said
" thank you" I said walking off
I took the elevator to the second floor and went into room 274. I found hunter sleeping peacefully. This was the first time I actually saw him sleeping, he would always wake up before me.
I sat down beside him and waited and waited until I couldn't help but fall asleep with my head on his hospital bed

« y/n » i hear a weak voice
I look up and notice hunters awake
«  oh god » I hugged him tight
«  y/n! » he half yelled as I was squeezing too tight
«  you scared the fuck out of me! » I told him
«  I'm okay, don't worry it's alright, I'm alright. » he said
I smiled and held his hand, I kissed him before I heard a fake cough
«  seems you both are more then friends » hunters dad said from the door of the room
We both looked at each other awkwardly, then laughed

Two weeks have passed and hunter was back home

«  my toes are so numb. » he said
«  you gotta wiggle them. » I told him
«  cmon little fuckers. » he said as he tried to do so

Hunter plays a guitar riff and Kevin the drums, Emily played her cello and I played base.
«  this fucking bow is fucked! » she groaned and threw it
«  oww! Dude, dude?» hunter said after it hit his head
« oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry,  sorry.. »
She grabbed another bow and started playing again and we soon jumped in.
«  ah THATS better » she said
We stopped playing and hunter grabbed the bow Emily threw at him to scratch his leg
«  god » I said
«  what?! » he said
«  put those fucking gorilla grippers away! » I said referring to his toes
Kevin and Emily laughed
«  what am I supposed to do! » he said
«  well we'll we'll! » hunters dad came down the stairs
«  bronze medalist ! »
«  sliver medalists, we came in second.. » Kevin said
« Oh hey uh, looks like you're going viral » hunters dad says as he lays down a piece of journal paper
«  well, at least I didn't get arrested so.. progress? » hunter said
They paused
«  no bad publicity right » his dad said
He tapped him on the shoulder and walked off
«  alright we'll, I've got a date. She's a pediatrician, big titts, natural, not a client. » he said

Kevin sighed
«  I can't believe we lost. » he said
I started playing the base while skull flower talked
«  it's fine, it's cool, they're nice gals, the people have spoke, this is what they want. » hunter said revealing the other side of the news paper with me as an w talking about satans saints
«  nah, fuck em » Kevin said
I abruptly stopped playing the base and looked at Kevin with a glare
«  don't start this. » I told him
« yeah but who's on the headline? Us! » he said
« we were good. » hunter said
« no we were fucking great! » Kevin said
« you smashed that into dude » he said to Emily
« yes she did, that was some yo-yo ma shit » Kevin said
« and you're solo.. » Emily said to hunter
« Holy fuck I was unreal! But what about this mother fucker..» hunter said pointing at Kevin
« oh my man slapped them in their faces with that double bass dick! » Emily said
There was an awkward pause when Kevin said
« yes, uh yes, I did. »

« I'll admit, you guys did hype up the croud more then SS did, but I still think out music was better. » I said laying back and playing the base
« This is where it starts for us! » hunter said
The band cheered and screamed together. They practiced for an hour after Kevin and Emily left

« so, how does the taste of victory feel? » he asked me
« ohhh so good especially after all the fights we had about it! » I said
« like that one time you said I had greasy hair » he said
«  and then you said my clothes were slutty? » i said
«  and then you said I belonged in rehab » he said
«  and then you made fun of all my problems? »
«  and then I saved you from bullies. »
We smiled and laughed at each other
«  if someone would've told me I was going to end up loving you the first day we met, I would've spat in their faces » hunter said
I laughed
«  I love you » I told him
«  I love you too princess

The end

Requests for one-shots are possible, just text me privately and I'll try to cook something up.

Everyone, it's come to an end, sorry if you wanted more. But I've not recovered from COVID. This was so fun to write and thank you all for the support it makes me feel so good about myself <3
Love y'all
- writer

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