Be quiet and drive..

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I woke up alone in a bed that wasn't mine

" hey shitface" I hear hunter say
I grunted slamming my face back into his pillow, not ready to wake up.

" I texted yasmine about everything that happened, skip is suspended for a month" he said

" shit" I said

" yeah, he's totally gonna ass rape me for getting him suspended" he said

I laughed at his strange way of speech

" get up I gotta get to school, bassist tryouts for skull fucker today" he said

" can you drive me to school" I asked

" no" he said

I stayed silent shocked

" I'm kidding." He said afterward

*timeskip at school*
" Jesus Luna-" I said
Luna looked me dead in the eyes
" sleepover at my house? Hunter calls me to tell me you got beaten up? You get driven to school by hunter?!" She said
" OMG SHUT UP" I yelled
" IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND" she yelled
" SHHH OH LORD STOP" I said covering up her mouth
" we aren't saying get your head out you're ass" I told Luna
" who isn't dating" ash said
" no one it doesn't matter" I said back
" you look like shit" ash said
" yeah I got jumped yesterday"
" HUH WHAT??!" Ash said shocked
" OH MY GOD YOU BOTH ARE DRIVING ME NUTS" I say closing my locker and walking away

We let hunter and Kevin use the music room today since they were doing tryouts for a new base player. We made a truce and we didn't wanna cook up trouble.
At lunch time I spotted a familiar looking girl

Right, she's the one that went crazy and threw her clarinet!
She was sitting alone at lunch time, ash and Yasmine were talking and I interrupted them
" I'll be back soon okay" I said getting up and walking towards the girl
Luna and ash looked at each other not knowing what to do, but they just kept talking since it didn't seem like I was about to do anything stupid.

I sat at the table with the girl, she looked surprised to see me sitting there with her
" hey" I said to her
" hi" she said back
" I saw you throwing your clarinet during marching band practice" I said
The girl looked ticked off..
" that shit was badass! I'm y/n." I put out my hand for her to shake it
She looked less mad when she realized I wasn't making fun of her
" Emily, she said as she put her hand out"
I shook it

We talked for the whole lunch time until the bell rang.
I didn't talk to hunter much that day, other than the morning.

*timeskip next day*
It really didn't take long for me to heal, my face was back to normal though the lash marks were still on my body. I can just hide them though so it's not a big deal

I hopped on my motorcycle and drove to school, when I arrived I felt a set of eyes on me. I looked around hoping to find who it was and was disappointed when it wasn't who I had hoped
" can I help you" I asked clay
He put his hands up and started following me as I head inside the school
" that was a hell of a speech at my party" he said
I looked at him suspicious of his behaviour
" thanks" I say half heartedly
" I'm sorry if I said anything insulting, I really don't remember much from that night" I say
Clay Smiles
" it's all good, everyone's had those moments"
I opened my locker
" I've never heard you play, would you say you're good?" He asked me
" duh" I said back laughing
" I wanna know who im up against, so you mind if I you could show me? I know you use the music room" he asked politely
He didn't seem to have any Bad intentions and was so polite. He's a nice guy
" sure" I said back
" cool I'll see you at lunch time!" He said as he walked off

*timeskip lunch time*
I got into the room and saw clay sitting down, I looked around and didn't see Luna and ash.
" sorry, I told them my band was using the room today so it would only be us two" he said
I began to grow suspicious of this and he noticed
He laughed since he knew what I was thinking
" alright, I told Luna that we were practicing not because I wanted it to be only us two.." he admitted
" then why?" I asked confused
" well, I've recently taken a liking to.. ash." He admitted shyly
I smiled and laughed
" whattt?" He asked insecure
" I don't know it's just unexpected" I said in response
" I do actually want to hear you play though, I'm just really nervous around ash I think I wouldn't be able to focus.. don't tell her btw" he told me

I plugged in my base and sat down in front of clay

" ready?" He asked me
" are you?" I said back

*video of what y/n sang except with a smoother voice*

I was singing and was cut off by a voice
" what going on here?"
Hunter said at the door of the music room
Clay got up and I put my base down
Hunter assumed something was going on
" What's going on clay!" He yelled at clay and stepped in front of me
" she was just showing me-" clay spoke before he was cut off
" showing you what huh?" Hunter said pissed off
" I just wanted to hear her sing" clay said
Hunters face filled with rage
" OH YOU WANTED TO HEAR HER SING DIDNT YOU!" He yelled as he approches clay
Clay backs away and trips on a chair and falls
" hunter stop it wasn't that type of singing and you know it!" I said
" I don't know y/n, do I?" He asked me
I looked at him, not breaking eye contact I said
" clay get out of here."
Clay did as I said and ran out leaving me alone with hunter
" WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled at him
" he was obviously trying to rub stomachs with you y/n!" He yelled back
" me he wasn't! He likes ash!" I yelled
" bull fucking shit" he said
" yeah and what do you care huh" I asked
He stayed silent for a bit
" I DONT!" He yelled
" GOD Y- YOU ARE SO- UGH" I yelled not being able to finish my words I was so mad
There was heavy silence in the room.
I turned around and sat down on the floor
" why are you always like this" I asked him
" like what" he asked me back
" every time something good happens you make it bad somehow." I said
He came and sat down next to me
" I don't know." He said plainly

We sat in silence before speaking again
" wanna come over after school" he asked me
" yeah" I said back
It's like we had these arguments so much we ignored them and stayed friends, just friends. I haven't forgotten the way he played me at that water fall and I won't fall for it again. But friends are cool I guess.

Pretty metal ( Hunter Sylvester x reader) metal lords Where stories live. Discover now