Virgin club's graduates

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If you couldn't tell by the title, there's going to be lemon at the end of this chapter

After quite a bit of time, hunter and I's relationship developed and flourished. It seemed that so did Kevin and Emily's

" he showed up late to band practice!" Hunter yelled
I just looked at him eyes wide eyes as he ranted
" what's more important than band practice!" he said
" I'll show them both" he said with a grin
" what are you thinking?" I asked him
" nothing, see you later" he said as he walked off

After class I headed down the stairs of school to meet ash and Luna.
" what the FUCK-"
Kevin looked around and saw everyone had seen what he did
" the FUCK you doing!" Hunter yelled
" you are afraid of everybody, and instead of showing it like I do you treat everybody like shit and make them hate you!" great they leave you alone, they leave me alone. Both of us are alone, mission accomplished"
" no,no,no-"
" no SHUT UP!" Kevin interrupted hunter and yelled
" you need me a lot more then I need you. Without me all of your dumb fantasies disappear.. but without you I might actually live a real life." Kevin said
Hunter looked hurt and spoke
" you.. you can't- you can't."
He breathed
" we're skull fucker"
He said as he put a rock sign to his chest
Kevin looked disappointed and flipped hunter off.
Kevin walked away and hunter turned to him
" fine. Fine. Go enjoy your new fucking wacko girlfriend and your new— and your new shitty band and—" he paused for a second
" and rock of ages!!" He yelled
He turned around and walked the other direction
Students were talking about the confrontation that just happened as I hurried my way down the stairs to catch up to hunter
" what happened?" I asked him
He ignored me and kept walking
" hey I'm talking to you what's going on"
" oh my god y/n just leave me alone!" he yelled
The students once more turned towards hunter
" you're so annoying! And clingy!" He yelled
His face went from a mad expression to a regretful one
" y/n I'm sorry I just-" he tried explaining
" it's okay" I said as I hugged him
" whatever's going on I'll help as best I can."
He wrapped his arms around me quickly and held me tightly.
I looked over his shoulder and saw students recording, probably thinking there was going to be another fight.
" hunter." I said
He didn't respond
" hunter listen-" I tried to warn him of the cameras but he grabbed my face and tenderly kissed me.
There were a couple of gasps all around
I swear I heard someone say:
" I thought he was gay" which I found hilarious
Hunter pulled away and said
" thank you"
I then tell him
" don't freak out, but.."
his eyes looked panicked already He looked around and noticed all the cameras.
" shit." He said laughing
" let's go, now" he said as he grabbed my hand and we ran out.
" wait hold on!" I said as he was pulling me, he ran pretty fast

Hunter drove me and him in his car for a bit until he parked in an empty parking lot
« What is it? » I asked
« do you ever get angry? » he asked me
« yeah, sometimes. » I tell him
« i get it. » he said
" sometimes even sad" I tell him
" it's because people treat you like your invisible" he said
" like you're not even there- like you're nothing." He said
"But you're more then that you're better then that."
" you're not nothing, you're something!"
" you are somebody!" He told me
He seemed like he was talking to himself through me.
" sometimes I feel like I'm nobody, but I realized afterwards that's not true. » I told him
« Luna, ash, Emily, my mom and dad, and you.  I'm not nobody to you hunter. » I told him
I put my hand on his cheek
« and you aren't nobody to me. » I told him
« who am I to you? » he asked me
I smiled
« the electric guitar player of skull fucker, the guy with long hair, the guy that after everything that's happened still managed to make me fall for him. Hunter Sylvester that's who you are. » I told him
« fuck yeah I am. » he said as he pulled me close for a hug, he seemed like he needed one.
« alright, my rage is back » he said as he pulled away
« that's my drum player! » he said getting his flame back
He pressed the gas and hurried to his house

Pretty metal ( Hunter Sylvester x reader) metal lords Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora