🍻Pub Stuff🍻

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I was changing and getting ready for the pub night

I was changing and getting ready for the pub night

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I walked out and drove to the pub. Lila not being able to come for under age. I walked in and the smell of beer and cigarettes filled my nose. I went to the bar tender and it was low and behold Quackity.

"Hola Y/n! Give me one second!" Quackity said rushing to get everyone's drink.

I nodded and sat on a bar stool beside me sat Wilbur. We chatted for a second. We were enjoying the music that people were singing. I got my margarita and I chatted with Quackity. All of a sudden Hannah walked to the mic.

"Alright our second to last is a Couple! Hailey and Dream please come to the stage!" Hannah said

As soon as I heard there names and the word couple I wanted to break down right then and there. I didn't though I would have made a fool of myself. I missed what me and Dream had. I felt like nothing without him. All my worries would disappear when I was with him. He made me happy. That reassurance of safety was taken from me. They sung the song perfect by Ed Sheeran.

I wanted to cry so bad then. Instead of crying I turned my tears into a song. Maybe 13-20 people were clapping for them when there were like 50 people there.

"Alright our last Karaoke singer for the night is Y/n! Please come to the stage!" Hannah said.

I got up and as Hannah walked off the stage I heard Eret yell.

"Yeah go Y/n!" In a joking manner

I heard others laugh and as did I even though my song really ment something.

I sung Strange By Celeste. Now the whole time I felt a certain pair of eyes on me.Dreams. I was staring at him with watery eyes but not faucet eyes. He looked pissed but I didn't care. As soon as I was done I made the watery eyes go away. Everyone was clapping some whistling some doing both. I smiled and got off the stage. I walked to my car but when leaving Dream came out too.

"What the fuck was that?"He asked

I stopped walking and stared at him with a fake confused face.

"I was singing?" I said

"Don't fucking play dumb Y/n!" He yelled in my face

"So I sung a song what is wrong with that?" I said

"Look I'm in a relationship now! You can't be doing that shit!" He yelled

"What about what we had!?" I yelled now fully crying


I stopped and stared at him. Only then had I realized a crowd had grew.

"Go to hell!" I yelled pushing him

"Maybe get your fucking mind straight! We were never meant to be. You never really loved me. I wish I never even met you!" He said

I shook my head sobbing I walked to my car.

Techno's POV
I was at the pub Y/n was singing it was a sad love song. I noticed she was looking at Dream. I realized what was happening. They had been on and off. But Dream got a girlfriend. After Y/n sung I followed her out the door. But Dream beat me to her. I watched a Ifew other people came out they saw what was happening. Soon the crowd expanded.

"It never got this bad..." slimecicle said

"I feel so bad for her" Ponk said

All of a sudden my arm was pushed by a little. I saw Dreams girlfriend Hailey. She saw what was happening. She looked pissed at Y/n. I listened to who's side they were on. Most Y/n's some Dream's. I was on Y/n's. I had been through what she was going through right now. Y/n walked away sobbing some followed after her some stayed and some left. I walked home.
End of Techno's POV

Y/n's POV
I got in my car and sat there. some people got in my car them being.
Jack manifold

I didn't know how they all fit in my car. I was holding in my cry. Trying to wipe the continuous tears.

"Y/n....You okay?" Ponk asked

"Of course she's not fucking okay dumbass she balling her eyes out!" Punz said

"Language!" Bad said

"He's a real dick head." Hannah said

"He can go to hell." George said

"He is a butthole" Skeppy said

"Guys! You can say his name. It's not like it's forbidden." I said laughing while crying.

"Look I'll be fine. It'll just take some time." I said wiping the final tears.

"How the Hell did we all fit in here?" Jack said

I looked at the back and saw them squished some in the floor and in front bad was sitting in the floor while Skeppy had the seat. We all started laughing

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