III.the first kiss

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•Neil had a play coming up
•and to say he was stressed was an understatement
•he was pacing around the room mumbling to himself
•you had enough of this so you decided to shut him up
•with a kiss
•the kiss was so gentle and soft
•you pulled back feeling really flustered
•Neil was a blushing mess
•he slightly smirked and leaned in again
•now you were the blushing mess
•Neil was definitely calmer now.

•you two were cuddling on his bed while he was reading to you
•his voice was soft and very calming and soon enough you felt yourself getting sleepy
•before you fell asleep Todd gave you a quick kiss on the lips and smiled
•he was a blushing mess and you happily fell asleep.

•Charlie had just gotten a really bad grade on a test
•you couldn't blame him, the test was really hard
•but his parents weren't so happy about it.
•so that day Charlie received a phone call from his parents, they were screaming at him for hours
•so when he got back to your dorm he was a bit sad
•you of course asked him what was wrong; and so he explained.
•wanting nothing but to see Charlie happy again you gave him a passionate kiss
•you started pulling back but he grabbed your cheek and kissed you again

•you and Knox often went on coffee dates
•just like this time
•but this time it was a bit different
•Knox had been planning to kiss you for a while now; he was just to scared to actually do it.
•so after the date, he picked out the courage and finally kissed you
•the kiss was soft but passionate
•and both of you were a blushing mess afterwards

•Meeks was helping you with a science project
•but how many times he explained it, you still didn't understand
•and that got you a bit frustrated
•you said that you couldn't do it and that it was useless
•Meeks sighed, not in an annoyed way tho
•he sat down beside you and calmly told you to try again
•this time you got it right
•and out of excitement you kissed him; it was a soft and gentle kiss and both of you were a blushing mess

•Gerard and you went to go swimming in the lake on a hot summer day
•everything was going normal, there weren't a lot of people so it wasn't very noisy
•al of a sudden you had an idea; you wanted to kiss Gerard under water
•so you asked him if he wanted to and he said yes
•both of you went under water and kissed; it was a sweet but passionate kiss

•it happened really all of a sudden
•it was late at night and both of you couldn't sleep
•so Richard read to you
•his voice was so soft and it made you all fluttery inside
•he suddenly just stoped reading for a second; and it made you confused
•but when Richard started leaning in it started making sense
•it was a slow and passionate kiss
•both of you pulled back smiling like idiots

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